Jul 09, 2016 23:03
I have a lot of music on my computer, and I've been using a small, battery-powered auxiliary speaker to listen to it. It doesn't have much oomph, and we have a stand-alone speaker which runs on AC, through which Ray has played the music which is on his phone. My computer didn't come with Bluetooth, which I could use to connect it to the larger speaker. For seventeen bucks, Ray got an adapter which I can use. Hot diggety-dog. It's tiny, hardly noticable, and given that I have three USB ports on my computer, it's not at all inconvenient. This afternoon, I played one of my favorite albums through it. Mary Fahl has an incredible voice, alto in range, but so powerful and full, it's a shame to try to listen to her on anything cheesy. Well, no more cheese. I sat at the patio table and played with polymer clay, attempting to make Baby Dory earrings. My sculpting skills were really rusty, but the music was great, and I'll get better at the sculpting.
Why Baby Dory earrings? She's so adorable, and I thought I'd try my hand at making some earrings with her image. If it goes well, I'll make a pair for Emily, and one for Nancy, my customer who made the peanut butter and jelly earrings she gave me a while back. What I did today sucked, but I'll try again tomorrow, and the next day...
Really, given the state of insanity in the world lately, it was therapeutic to just sit at the patio table and, play with clay. Mush colors together, try to make something, give up and mush it all together again. Pretty primordial stuff, and wonderful when you feel like the whole country you live in is losing its shit in a major way.
I had insomnia last night in the wee smalls. Really badly. Not too surprising, given how the past week has gone, and particularly Friday. When I finally got to sleep again, I slept amost to ten AM. I took my morning meds, and went off in search for polymer clay to play with.
Due, however, to the insomnia, I felt off kilter much of the day, so when Ray asked me if I wanted to go to Shakespeare in Delaware Park, at first I said no. After thinking a bit, I said, oh well, okay, because I need sometimes to kick myself in the pants and do something different. I really, really wanted to make some progress with the earrings, but I figured they'd wait, and the play wouldn't. Also, it had been flirting with raining all afternoon, and I thought, hey, let's go, and if it gets cancelled on account of rain, won't it be a wonderful thing? We're too damn close to a drought here, folks.
So we went. I met a friend of Ray's, who came with us, and she's pretty much an okay person. Which is saying a lot, as I'm terribly hard on his friends because they usually aren't anything like me. Like, annoyingly not like me.
And....we got rained out. They got as far as the end of Act I, and a voice said, "Actors, remove from stage." It was too dangerous to continue, with the stage getting successively slippery. Me? I'd already said, "I'm not comfortable." Which I wasn't. I hadn't brought any extra clothing with me, except a fine wool shawl that didn't cut it. I was too cool for comfort, and then with the rain, oooh yeah, But wow, folks, we got rain, not enough, but it's something.