Tonight's adventure surrounded getting the fountain running again out back.

May 24, 2016 20:37

Last year, I don't think I ever got there.  Yesterday, I tried running it.  The pump obviously was running, but water couldn't get through the frog statue.  This morning, I realized this was probably due to the fact that the statue was resting on the supply hose for so long, it was pretty much squished.  I went to a nursery for a new piece of supply hose.  Still no luck.  Tried running a piece of coat hanger down the throat and up the well, ass, of the statue.  Nope.  I've taken the frog to a gas station in the past, to use the air hose to clear it.  As kind of a last ditch effort, I grabbed a can of compressed air like we use to clean computers and such, and whoops!  Out came a nice stream of ugly green slop.  Froggy runs just fine, now.  :-)


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