Aug 26, 2009 14:02
It's funny sometimes how I remember stuff I want to write about, forget it, then remember it again. For instance, this past Thursday, I was demonstrating San Marzano tomatoes. I explained to one customer that they are grown in Italy, at the base of Mount Vesuvius. When I then asked if she wanted to try some, she drew herself up and asked, "Well! Are we worthy?" She then allowed as how she is Italian in heritage, so it ought to be a religious experience. Pretty darn funny.
I stopped by the store for some veggies before I worked out, and ran into my friend Sue who just adopted a tiny abandoned kitty. Sue had worried that Ziggy wasn't pooping yet; she feared the little one was constipated but thought she'd give her some time because she hadn't been eating enough yet that could constitute a poop. Well, when I saw her today, she reported that Ziggy had finally done it, so evidently she's okay.
I'm so glad Em and I did what we collectively did Monday and yesterday, because of course today it's raining again. Much as I'm tired, I would have hated to try to do all the hauling and cutting and digging in this weather, and it was far more pleasant to lay everything out in the garage on a sunny day yesterday.
I tried to work out in the gym today. Got as far as minute 27 of cardio, by which time my wrists and hands were itching all over as if I'd just tackled the juniper today. Hell's bells. I slunk home, took a shower, and slathered up with caladryl lotion again. Sigh.
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