Aug 27, 2011 16:17
I work until 6 PM Fridays now, then get up and get into work by 7 AM the next day. This, at the age of 55, ain't easy, but I do it because I still can, and the work I do is interesting, and I make more money these days than I have recently, and it will help me qualify for medical insurance. There is, however, a fair amount of mental gear slippage in the process, which I find quite funny. When I left work today, trudging towards my truck, she of the four-new-tires-thank-you-very-much-dear-hubby, I pressed the unlocking button on my keychain. Evidently, the woman parked right next to me started her engine up at the exact same time. Yes, folks, for a millisecond I thought, gee, when did I get a remote starter. Luckily, the customer in question is one of my regulars, so much so in fact that she always greets me even when she sees me in the aisles. Her window was down, and I shared my silly story with her. She found it funny, too, bless her soul.
It was insane at the store today. So much so that I got conscripted to cash twice. The second time I was on register #2. Cameron, who was working on Helping Hands (loading groceries in people's cars, bringing the carts in from the parking lot, etc.) was on register #1. We turned to each other at one point and chuckled. I remarked that we were shoulder to shoulder in a way that I'd expected we might some day be. We kinda laughed and dug in [for those of you who don't know, the registers run from #1 to #24. The higher numbers are always in use; the lower numbers only go into play when necessary.]. It's hard to find the words to say how much I adore this young man. I get weepy when I think of how deserving he is, and how awkward his family situation is. It takes a lot out of me to be attentive to him, yet it's something I gladly do. Only those of you who are parents, or perhaps step-parents or in-laws, can understand, I bet.
I am so lame I've begged out of the block party we were going to, and Ray's ordering pods (kinda like calzones, but really not). God bless Ray!
It's goldfinch season out there! They're showing up on my echinacea, which has yet to get really ripe, and trying to pluck out the seeds. I look forward to this time every year.