those are tough standards!

Oct 31, 2007 13:37

My local paper is normally quite good. Their articles covering issues and events in the SF Bay area are usually well-written and thorough, and I've been impressed with some of the issues they choose to tackle.

However, even good papers have bad days. This morning I found several reasons to wince or grimace. The most noticeable error is in a front page article about laws governing vicious dogs ("Dog owners face tougher standards," Contra Costa Times, Wednesday, October 31, 2007).

The preventative nature of the laws puts owners whose dogs have threatened, but never bitten, at risk of euthanasia if the owner does not follow government-mandated restrictions.

Ooooh-kay. It's good to know the death penalty has been expanded to cover these sorts of infractions.

"Dog owners face tougher standards", Contra Costa Times, Wednesday, October 31, 2007.


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