So unmotivated1.
Went to trivia last night. Won2.
New housemate (aka "
The Chosen One") has already called to organize moving furniture in and dropping off bond, etc. Go her! A potential hiccup is that we've realized we forgot to mention the "Fridge Shares"3, and will now have to broach that subject with her sometime.
I bought a small succulent for my room because I like plants inside. But I put it outside for a breath of air and taste of rain and touch of sunshine. The possums4 depotted it and had a nibble around the edges, I'm not sure it'll recover.
1Stoopid deadlines.
2So will get a subsidized pub meal next week probably.
3We each own a part of the communal house fridge. This depreciates over time, but the remaining cost of a "share" is passed on to replacement housemates. Can you believe that before I moved in they didn't depreciate?!
4One possum lives in our roof and at about 11:30pm every night goes galumphing right across it, out the eaves and into the garden. Am pretty sure it has friends in the surrounding houses. They love basil, but not parsley.