Didn't get around to applying for that job. Really didn't want it, and I haven't applied for a job in long enough that it woulda been a bit of effort to prep-app/update/etc., (and the deadline was like in less than a day).
FINALLY got a coat last weekend. Black not grey, not either of the coats I had my eye on, but a very nice cut (and half the price of the cheaper one, last I wrote, and less than a quarter the price of the other!), and I think I like it more than the other options, but that may be just cos it was such a bargain (relatively).
Painful email written and sent with positive reply (a revised paper which was embarrassingly overdue although I blame the vagaries of that particular submission system, resubmitted properly and accepted properly in the WEEKS since I last updated here).
I cleaned my desk. There was a spare filing cabinet sitting around the office, I claimed it, and now all the piles of papers which were sitting around on my desk and on shelves are hidden away (and mostly organized sensibly)!
ALSO inherited a filing cabinet for home (it was sitting in Fleur's hallway and she wanted to get rid of it). Yay! The papers that currently get shoved into one big messy drawer will be organized! Eventually.
The campus bookshop has had a sale for weeks-possibly-months, and I've picked up the odd book here and there (I go in several times a week to pick up a paper, and just can't help browsing - even though new stock doesn't come in that regularly, it does come in...), but yesterday, for the first time, they had a $2 table. I looked. And accidentally picked up 4 books which I'm sure hadn't been on sale at all before. It felt like such a splurge, but so wasn't...
Work expense claims from Feb and March had been sitting on a desk (not mine) for some months, but were suddenly found a week and a half ago, and I should be $800 richer soon.
Which is good because I have been spending up. In addition to Coat and Books (and Creuset and ... am sure lots of other stuff - have been spending a surprising amount on groceries), also just bought fancyish (secret) stuff over internet from Japan! Finally ordered last week after many weeks of considering, arrived yesterday - speedy Fedex! Might reveal in a few weeks.
Impromptu talk (well... one day notice) to overseas delegation visiting here went ok I think, I don't mind presenting when the audience have no idea what I do. Also get to give much bigger pic stuff which is easier to make exciting. Get to give another here in a few weeks...to many of my colleagues who I see every day but who have a pretty minimal idea of what I actually do ;-)
Dad was here for a conference on the weekend (1st visit ever to this city I think) and stayed with us Mon-Tues. Have been eating out a lot. Took him to 3 of our regularish restaurants, and think he appreciated them (esp the cheap and cheerful one). Was good to see him and show him round a bit.
Went to a writing workshop earlier in week. Trying some new writing habits which I've always meant to try but needed to be kicked I guess - not checking email/internet in morning! Regular 2 hour blocks! Also went to some research career type sessions over last couple of weeks...Not inspired by them.
Bret Easton Ellis (interviewed by Alan Brough) tonight.