A festival of RANDOM DRABBLES!

Jan 30, 2008 23:09

Lately I've been focusing on writing that might one day actually be able to provide me with some income, so I have shirked my fanfiction muses. But in the odd furtive, exciting moment, I've squirreled away some sentences, so I present to you now a little collection of drabbles in all my regular fandoms ... and one from The Office (US). I HAVE FINALLY CAVED AND WRITTEN OFFICE FANFIC.

I really hope you enjoy these.

Title: The Smell of Honey
Author: ninamazing, or Nina
Fandom: Pushing Daisies
Word Count: 85.
Rating: G.
Spoilers: Through 1x04, "Pigeon."
Characters: Chuck.

She liked checking on her bees first thing in the morning, trudging up the stairs and through the secret door to the top of the roof, high above everything. She loved peering into hives to try and find the queen among swirling worker bees, and pulling out the frames to see combs filling up with nectar. She didn't even mind wearing the bulky white suit, as long as the air around her was filled with the scent of smoke and pollen and sweet, sweet honey.

Title: Unreal
Author: ninamazing, or Nina
Fandom: Robin Hood
Word Count: 144.
Rating: PG-13.
Spoilers: Through 2x13, "We Are Robin Hood!"
Characters: Robin/Marian.

Robin, two weeks ago, would have told you that his dreams of the Holy Land were unconquerable - filled with horror he couldn't escape, the worst of all nightmares. He would have begged for dreams like this, images of dark hair and recollections of soft, yielding breaths. Once again, life had outsmarted him. Evil had won.

"Robin," she was saying, "lord of my heart, when the King returns I will marry you." He wished that he could at least believe it while he was asleep - but that was the ugly part of it. Even his unconscious mind knew this wasn't real, was sure it was hopeless. Not just because she hadn't said it quite like that, but because in his mind's eye she was smiling, relaxed - he could see all of her brilliant teeth.

That had only happened when they were five.

Title: Changes
Author: ninamazing, or Nina
Fandom: Doctor Who
Word Count: 149.
Rating: PG.
Spoilers: Through 2x09, "The Satan Pit."
Characters: Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose.

It made Rose something. That was it.

At first, it was so overwhelming it hurt. She was earning two hundred quid a week at Henrik's, on her way to a decent flat of her own and Mickey and clubbing with Shareen and maybe kids someday, just like that. There had been nothing so far she couldn't handle, except maybe A-levels - but what were A-levels, really?

And then this man, who was smart and funny and brave and kind and lonely, who crackled when he took her hand and chose her, above everyone else in the universe, to show his supernovas. It was a reality she hadn't thought to dream about. She didn't know if she could have.

He looked at her like that, begging for a smile; he asked her where she wanted to go; he held her tightly in his arms; and she knew she mattered.

Title: Boy
Author: ninamazing, or Nina
Fandom: The Office (US)
Word Count: 129.
Rating: PG-13.
Spoilers: Through 4x01, "Fun Run."
Characters: Jim/Pam.

She couldn't understand why Karen had ever turned down a prank. For her the best part of life was being caught up in one of Jim's jokes, to have him let her in and look at her with such supreme excitement.

"I guess now is a good time to tell you I haven't washed these sheets since I moved in," he said with a grin while he held her, their bare limbs still tangled up in each other, and she snorted with laughter (but it was okay, because she knew he thought it was cute). She inched up to look at him and he became just a sweet little boy needing someone to giggle at his jokes, and she kissed the living hell out of him.

She couldn't not.

dw: rose, snoggage, the office, pd: chuck, doctor who, pushing daisies, dw: nine/rose, to: pam, drabble, rh: robin/marian, to: jim, dw: ten/rose, to: jim/pam, rh: robin, robin hood, depressing

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