Includes spoilers for the episode and for the trailer following it. Sort of stream-of-consciousness and crazy-sounding, although I'm sure you expected the crazy, as it's me. If you read my journal, there are some new bits in here, mostly at the intersection of posts and at the end. Enjoy. :)
Doctor Who 4x01 - Partners in Crime )
Comments 12
That's basically what I got from that episode. Plus awesome Tate/Tennant chemistry and cute blobs of fat. Is it Saturday yet?
And I can't help but point out the whole "Billie Piper will appear in 3 episodes!" thing ... um, so does this count as one of them? Because if it does THAT IS THE CHEAPEST SHIT EVER.
YES IT WILL BE. Though RTD keeps saying that Rose plays a huge part this season, so. Dude, a year ago I kept saying that I'd take whatever I could get, and now I'm whining about it not being enough. I think I'm getting greedy. I should probably check myself before Murphy's Law kicks me in the ass.
Now I'm just terrified that something really bad is going to happen to her. Or Donna. I'm getting nervous.
I definitely burst into tears, so don't feel bad about the hyperventilation. :P
Bad things always happen in Who, it's true. But I guess I can't imagine that they would be evil AGAIN ...? I mean, "Doomsday" was awful. AWFUL. It probably caused NATIONAL depression. INTERnational if you count parts of the U.S. Whatever, I just have to have hope.
What restaurant had a cat flap? The Doctor went to that man's house and it had a cat flap.
I see her sipping hot chocolate, deep in the TARDIS kitchens, while the Doctor gulps champagne and sobs about how Rose's sweater doesn't smell like her anymore.
LOLOLOL. Poor emo Doctor!!
Tennant is definitely the emo!Doctor. But less so this season, so I'm glad he's doing better. Hoo boy, though, what's coming up ....
I'M ALSO GLAD I'M NOT ALONE. Yes, they were kind of cute, I guess, but I'm surprised there was not a more widespread WTF across the internets. ;)
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