
Oct 03, 2008 09:19

Hello all. I recently(ish) joined this group and thought I should finally introduce myself. I am a part-time stay-at-home dad with a 1 year-old (almost 13-month-old) girl named Miriam; my other job is as a part-time physics professor. We live in Texas right now though plan to move to Ohio in the spring where my wife has a tenure-track professorship lined up. She's the successful one. :) She stays home with Miriam on Tuesday and Thursday mornings while I teach, and we have a babysitter come 9 hours a week, but otherwise I have Miriam during the day and my wife takes care of her at night.

After a lot of mid-night feedings, my wife finally took the plunge a couple of weeks ago and cut her off after bedtime, and she almost immediately began sleeping through the night. That's the good news. Unfortunately, she seems to be going through a new wave of abandonment issues. She had her first wave of stranger anxiety in March or so, but since then she's been getting better, to the point that she eagerly goes to her babysitter when she comes, and puts up with other babysitters after only a bit of protest. In the past couple of weeks, however, she's been very clingy (literally), howls (for an hour or more) if she's left with someone she doesn't know, and has even started protesting her long-time babysitter. I'm wondering if this is related to the sleeping-through-the-night business given the coincidence of timing and the related theme of abandonment (though it's not as if we leave her crying at night; she usually doesn't make a peep). Another possibility is that two weeks ago she had her 1-year vaccinations, which gave her a runny nose which still hasn't gone away completely. Part of that time she seemed low-energy with a mild fever. She seems to be mostly over that now, but maybe not completely, and that could explain crankiness too.

Anyway, that's what I'm worrying about these days. Pleased to meet you all.


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