Here is a fascinating paper by Peter Whitehouse from the QSITE 2007 conference. It examines some different strategies used in Peter's classroom and his student responses using either MOO Multi-user Object Oriented virtual environment and or the Moodle Learning management system. In these virtual environments, Peter has created strategies to scaffold writing tasks in his senior IT class to improve student learning, engagement, validate authorship and improve the quality of their response.
I already am familiar with building vertical scaffolding for my students but Peter's approach to also create horizontal scaffolding and the associated assessment and feedback is certainly worth exploring. This pricked my curiosity whilst thinking of how to best create the various programming steps, activities etc, beyond a swag of folio pieces to use next term with GameMaker Programming for my year 11 IT class.
Peter's paper is already available in a complete form in
PDF format [820kb] or you can jump to this hyper-link