Jan 10, 2011 19:53
So since the last I've updated, we've had the holidays. It was my first of these with my wife's family. I've done Turkey Day last year, but first time for Christmas, New Years, and what have you. All in all though, it was a fun time. Her family enjoys games, which was a nice refreshal for me. The games ranged from Spades, Euchre (which apparently no one outside of Indiana plays), Smart Ass, Phase 10, Set, and a plethora of puzzles (which granted aren't games, but still a good source of fun). In addition to that, Madison and I cooked dinner a few times, expanding our recipe box. Other highlights involved my knitting of several objects which is partial just my fix-it OCD attitude. Thus far I've made 2 scarves, 3 hats, and working on a third scarf. This will eventually lead to me making my own socks, because the ones Madison has made for me are wonderful.
Flying out wasn't too bad, though coming back was a bit bumpy. Both flights were on a small CRJ, so the lower altitude leads to more turbulence. I like to think of it as 3 stages: 1) Not knowing enough to see flying as either adventurous and fun or perhaps frightening and exciting. 2) Knowing enough physics to see flying is possible and just as normal as a boat ride. 3) Knowing enough physics/engineering to know what all could go wrong, making for a mildly jittery flier. I consider myself fairly much on Stage 3, but usually will just try to sleep through flights so it ends up not bothering me.
Well, my wife is feeling quite ill (there seems to be a lot of it going around) so I'm going to take care of her best I can.