Another Random Update

May 17, 2009 20:16

Seems every time I say I'm going to start blogging again something else comes up. Ah well, I've got time, I'm in the mood so here goes nothing.

The recent weekend was a trip down to Georgia to visit my family. We were celebrating my Jordan's birthday and her graduation from pre-school. While perhaps a little excessive on having a pre-school graduation, it was very good to see family. Also it was an excuse to meet up with Madison down there. I got to the airport early from work and managed to catch an earlier flight that was delayed. Granted I only landed about a half hour before my original flight would have, but all in all less time waiting. I arrived before Madison did and surprised her at her gate. We met up with Dad and Seth and drove back to the house. After watching clips from my niece's graduation, we called it a night as we were tired from the travelling.

The next day consisted primarily of birthday party at a place called Scoops. It was like being inside Willy Wonka's factory. Also the kids at the party were very well taken care of in a back room while parents were free to enjoy the main room. They had very large servings of ice cream which the family enjoyed. The rest of the day was relaxing at home. I also took Madison on a little tour of the house in between chasing after my little niece and nephew around.

Today Seth, Leslie, Madison, and I went to the airport and went our separate ways. It was the smoothest flight I'd had in a while, though the plane landed hard and taxiing to the gate was very bump (quite possible as a result). Still, I'll take a bumpy taxi over bumpy flying any time. And now I get ready for tomorrow, the home stretch for seniors. It should be fairly easy. Senior skip day tomorrow, MCAS testing Tues and Wed, and movies scheduled towards the end of the week. The free time should give me the opportunity to do a bit more straightening up in the lab room and find room for the new boxes of lab equipment.
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