Jan 06, 2009 06:03
So I know I haven't posted in a while, but I'm hopefully going to change that and go to at least weekly updates. Things have been very time consuming as of late, job, re-accreditation, gaming, and the like.
So as a quick update, the holiday break was good. I first flew down to Georgia to visit my family. It was good to see everyone there and Christmas on the whole was nice. Even the little ones were mostly well behaved. Then I flew to Michigan for the last portion of it. Had a 5 hr delay in the airport, so that was a bit irritating. Though it made seeing Madison all the more enjoyable. I mapped out a little of the graduate labrynth, but got discouraged when I saw that there were maps of it already posted. We mostly hung out and watched Forever Knight. With the travelling it seemed short, but the return to school was not too painful. Speaking of which time to head off to teach again.