Apr 16, 2009 16:17
Who: Axel & Prank
Where: Around
When: Before the Battle
He's scared. He is. Rightfully so.
Cailean scares him.
Cailean scares him in ways that go bone and soul deep and sit there aching within him. Painful.
The headphones in his ears weren't helping. The nice smooth rambling and building statements on Zen and peace? Not helping. One of the quotes had jumped out at him though. ' It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.'
Had he won any of his battles? His own inner ones? The rage had killed that man in the alley yes? But was that so bad. It wasn't the same. Not the same rage, certainly not the situation. Spivot had said it was okay - it was
instinct. It was human. Defending your mate. Defending your friends.
Working with Bart - it was good.
Owen hurt. Thinking about him walking away.
Am I lying to myself? Really? Am I so far outta touch with this that I can't see it? Face facts? I love him. Simple. To the point? I don't believe he can handle me. I don't believe I'm what he needs.
I don't want to see him right now. Not him. Not JJ. Not Pat. Not Lyra.
Am not.
Just thinking... Shouldn't I want to see them?
Prank sighed. They were floating, aimlessly on the currents, the kitten curled up on his stomach. Who do you want to see Axel?
Then I'd say the cemetery, the church, or the piano.
Axel headed for the cemetery. The church held too many bad memories and he wasn't going back to the apartment. He wasn't.
Luke's gravestone as a standard flat plaque, it had no embellishments, no flowers, no signs of ever being visited. Axel sighed sitting down on the grass near it, leaning up against someone else's grave.
You aren't going to die.
I'm not worried about me.
No one is going to die.
I'm not worried about anyone dying Prank, sheesh you're morbid.
Roscoe believes he's going to... die. Or leave. He's going to leave.
"No body is going to die!" Axle jumped up hands fisting at his sides, balled and shaking.
"I want everyone to be okay. I want this threat stopped and for everyone to be fine at the end of it. I want his taint gone from her mind. I want him gone from the world. He's causing so much pain so many places to so many people! I want everyone to be happy! I know it's hard and I know our lives aren't normal but there's something between the pain and the nonsense that's warmer then anything I've ever felt. This is my family."
Axel bit his lip eyes shut. "I'm a Rogue. That's my happy thought Prank. I'm a Rogue."
My happy thought is cupcakes.
"Huzzah. I'm a Rogue, you've got cupcakes, Cailean don't stand a chance."