tuuu-torial just for you!

Sep 05, 2010 21:20

Wee yesterday a travesty occurred on the top of my head. After pain staking months of trying to recover from a mohawk (which was awesome but did not please my darling Eric) I finally got it long enough to cut it cut into a ultra sexy bob just like Vela Kelly from Chicago. I loved this hair cut when i had it, i felt so old school glamorous and sexy. Well this Bunt cake of a hairdresser at TGF Hair salon butchered my poor hair, and whats worse, she was the MANAGER! DO NO GET YOU HAIR CUT @ TGF OR REGIS SALONS! I've never had a single person who went to Paul Mitchell school cut my hair right. I swear they don't teach those people anything except how to cut it all off. i will never again pay less than 50 bucks for a hair cut.
Best hair got i ever got? At the Mall in northern Alabama. The girl there ROCKED! She was amazing. So there ya go, common misconceptions. People in Austin suck @ hair, people in Alabama Rock!
Anyways Hats! I made some really simple hats like the one I posted before. their far from flawless, but at the same time, cheaper than paying 20 bucks. With a little alternation and creativity you could do a lot to these to make them you own.

So get you supplies, you'll need a 1/4 yd of your outer shell, i suggest a heavy fabric, Denim works best IMO, you can cut up an old pair of pants for this is you want. and 1/4 of your lining. I like to use printed cotton but it can be anything. Enough fusible interfacing to fuse to the light weight material. pins, scissors, ruler, chalk, machine, ya know the regular stuff.

First we have to do math! Measure you head. mine is 23in. Now, find the diameter of your head. But Leaping lizards Batman, I haven't solved for the diameter of a circle since jr high. Well remember c=Heidi, the little girl who lives in the mts and raises goats.

Heres my math, now you do it too!!

After finding the Radii fold your fabic into quarters and mark the circle with tailors chalk. this is the easiest way I've found to ensure the most perfect circle.

then cut out your band. mine is 4.5 inches tall and 24 inches long!

Now use the circle you already cut and copy it onto your lining! easy peasey

Now cut our your lining to match!

For the bill i traced a bill from a hat i already had, you can make it bigger or smaller or whatever

don't forget to trace the inside!!

now all your pieces are cut out! Now its time to head for the iron!!

if you don't have enough interfacing its ok! you can piece it on there, thats what I do to use up my scraps!
Apply interfacing to the top, band and bill of your hat, on any part you have used light weight fabric on!

Now sew the top of you hat lining to the bamd this is a bit tricky and takes some practice. Using pins on this part might help you, but i think its easier to do it with out them. Just rotate slowly and sew. be sure to leave a little of the band end not sewn down!

Now you have this opening, time to close it up!

Make sure you stitch this at a bit on an angle, so its a bit smaller at the bottom than the top, don;t ask me why, it just works better that way.

Now put it on your head, dose it fit?

Now, Wash rinse repeat these steps with your outer layer!

Ok, next we make out brim. take your two brim pieces, wrong sides together and sew as smoothly as you can around the outer edge.

Snip along the edge for ya know, ease and stuff.

Now you can sort of quilt it for coolness, I like decorative stitching, but you can just top stitch the edge if you want.

Put the two caps together, wrong sides out and check your fit.

But the bill between the the layers, make sure this is the part you want to be the front! Pin carefully!

Sew then layers all together, now, my layers never really line up properly, so use pins to induce uniform puckering if you need to. Its ok if it's not perfect, it's YOUR hat after all. Who ever hates on it if just jealous they don't have one! This trick i learned while working on flight suits in the military. its much better to have tiny uniform puckers than one bit huge one!

Make sure to leave an opening so you can turn it right side out.

So heres the finished cat, a close up on the puckering I had, this hat is actually pretty bad, but i think it still looks fantastic, these sort of things are so small no one is going to notice. lol So if you have left puckering than this, you're doing fan-tabulous. Just top stitch around the outside and you're all done!!

And there you go! A totally cute hat to cover to totally awful hair.

I Made another one from black denim with a houndstooth print felt liner.

Here I have both the hats I made next to a store bought hat. i think mine show a much better quality!

Colored lining, DEFF cooler!

So enjoy that Tute! If you make a hat, be sure to send pictures I would love to see them!!

Thats all for today! Updating the webby with accessories real soon!!

bad haircut, hat, tutorial, sewing

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