Today i spent the day holed up in my sewing room watching a great anime called Eden of the East, it's on netflix. It was the first anime in a long time that left me with that sense of wonder that Evangelion left me with the first time. It was really well through out.
It was great inspiration because what I was making was an Evangelion sundress! No, not cosplay, I'm going on vacation in a week and I wanted some great new dresses to wear whilst out there meeting my SO's family.
Been working on alot of new stuff for a Fashion show I'll be doing at the end of the month. This piece may or may not be in the show, but this is the only one you're going to see that I'm creating specially for the show until the day of the show! ^^ (more info on the show will be forth coming including how to buy tickets!)
Please excuse my sleepy eyes, it's been a long day >.<
I did a ton of extra stitching on this dress, it took alot of extra time but man it's so worth it. <3 I love decorative stitching. It's sort of become my signature, so I've been told.