
Dec 14, 2009 20:16

Well, here we are. It's almost 8 o'clock on a monday (conspicuously avoiding doing lesson plans), and come thursday i will have completed my first teaching placement.

It's certainly been a real eye-opener into what my job will entail, and i've learned one hell of a lot, there's been good stuff and bad stuff. For one, i'll miss the kids in the classes i've taught (even that little hyperactive bastard at the front in my year 8 class), i feel a bit sad that i'll be leaving when i've just started to get a real rapport with them. To be honest though, it's a relief to know that i can actually teach and didn't just die on my arse; there's a lot to improve on but that's summat that'll come in time.

That said, there's a few things that i won't be sorry to see go. Firstly, the lass i were paired up with on this placement is such a miserable, mardy perma-tanned bint. It's not often i dislike people but it just astounds me how someone can be so cold. For example, on numerous occasions i've said summat to her and she'll not even acknowledge you, not even a shrug or owt which i think is downright rude. Fortunately i'm paired with someone a lot nicer on my next placement, which'll be a lot better.

Also, everyone i know in Sheffield'll be fed up of hearing this, but it really is criminal how underpaid teachers are for the amount of work they do. Seriously, i'm just permanently knackered all the time (i'm operating on about five hours sleep a night at the moment) what with having to teach, write lesson plans, complete school-based tasks and write essays, and that's just on ten hours worth of teaching a week, so god knows how i'm going to manage a full thirty hours. I don't want to bang on about the stress of the job - i knew exactly what i signed up for - but it really is mentally exhausting, no wonder that a significant number of PGCE students have dropped out. I can't tell you how glad i am christmas is just round the corner, i'm not exaggerating when i say i'd be headed for a nervous breakdown without it.

So yes. That'll be out of the way soon, hopefully i can regroup over Christmas and be sufficiently ready for my next placement; a school on Rotherham smack in the middle of a council estate, joy. I know i can do it, i just need to knuckle down and get this and my NQT year out of the way.
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