(no subject)

Oct 06, 2010 15:10

Last night, I had the pleasure of talking to my friends Katie and Shirley, who I hadn't talked to on the phone in a long time. One of the last things I did before I deleted my MySpace was copy down Shirley's number from a message she'd sent me. Of all of the things in my inbox, that's really the only thing I thought was worth holding onto, and I'm glad I saved it. I had forgotten how much fun the two of them are and how much it elevates my mood just to talk to them. We might be hanging out this weekend. I really hope that we do. I work in Clarksburg five days a week; so, it seems like a crime to me that we haven't decided to do this much sooner.

-- TJ broke my digital camera; so, I'm going to go get a new one soon (probably today).
-- I didn't go to Homecoming this weekend. Friday night, I ended up picking my sister up from Elkins, eating with my family (mom, my sister, Trenton) at El Gran Sabor, dropping off Trenton and my sister to stay at my mom's, taking mom to Walmart, going home to take care of Mikey and meeting TJ and Chris to go back to Chris's house. We drank too much, and I was too hungover to do anything at all on Saturday.
-- I am giving up drinking for awhile again. TJ has started going to the gym with me. I need to start loving my body and not abusing it so much.
-- TJ and I got new Android phones (Samsung Acclaims), and they are much easier to use and less frustrating than our BlackBerries.
-- My new Macbook pro is good, but I haven't brought it to work in the courthouse yet. I am still in the long, complicated (though it shouldn't be) process of transferring everything over. I've decided that even though my Dell isn't the best computer, it is better than what my mother's using; so, once I'm done with it, she can have it for as long as it'll run.
-- My shoot last weekend was postponed because the photographer was really sick, and couldn't fly over from Los Angeles in that state. We've rescheduled for next month. I have a photo shoot locally a week from Saturday, and that set will be up on a website, which is super neat.

modeling, family, tj, bettering myself, trenton, friends, happy times, new things

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