Rant Me, Baby.

Dec 21, 2009 04:12

People who shriek that it's "Merry Christmas" not "Happy Holidays" make me sick. Not only is being bigoted towards other religions a great way to spread Christian love and brotherhood, but apparently, these people seem to forget that New Years Day is a week later. For many years, people said "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" and had "Happy Holidays" be a reasonable substitute thereof. It is only recently, since we are in an age where the fight for equality of all people has become a major battle in this country, that the meaning was changed to encompass all holidays celebrated this time of year. People started going apeshit. It started with "lets put the Christ back into Christmas" people, and now, we've got the anti-Happy Holidays people. Seriously, even if you buy into the belief that there is only one right religion, refusing to say Happy Holidays is like refusing to admit that the year changes soon; it doesn't make sense. So, get the fuck over it, people.

And other thing:

This article is one of the most ignorant things I've read in quite some time. If his intent was to create a satire; he failed. If he was attempting to be clever; he failed. Quite honestly, he just fails in general. Way to perpetuate dated stereotypes about a place you clearly know nothing about. Also, DC and Martinsburg, WV are less than an hour apart, which puts them in the network's market area. Way to alienate some of your closest neighbors.

I was in Cleveland, Ohio last year at a goth club, and most of the people we talked to, didn't even know that West Virginia borders Ohio. One made reference to the Appalachian Mountains and incest, and he was also one of those people who failed geography.

One of my professors are Wesleyan attended graduate school in Arizona. He has his doctorate in American Literature and Cultural Studies. When he first started the graduate program, a woman told him how lucky he was to be from West Virginia and not be illiterate.

According to the US Census study, based on people age 25 or over who completely high school as of 2005, the literacy rate in West Virginia is 81.2 percent. Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, California, Kentucky, Texas and Mississippi are all behind us (in that order). How often to do hear people talking smack about literacy rates in California as compared to West Virginia? I got my degree in English literature, for Christ's sake. Seriously? You're going to assume that I'm uneducated based on where I live?

Are you going to assume that I don't have electricity and running water because I live in West Virginia? Or that I'm more likely to lust after my cousin as opposed to the wealth of other people who I'm not related to?

Most people who assume they know what happens here in West By God have never been here. Some people only go to McDowell County (the poorest county in the state) and think that that's how the rest of the state works. Well, it's not.

So, the next time you find yourself trying to guess how many teeth we have (more than half of us have all of them, by the way), do a little research and/or take a little time to assess just how stupid you may come across. Save your breath. Your lungs and I will thank you.

motherfuckers, west virginia, christmas, society

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