I'm sorry, but I just can't do it. I know some of you will miss seeing me and some of you won't even stay in touch anymore because this was your main means of doing so, but placid_embers is dead inside. This world was built of Carmel, and there's hardly anything left of carmel in my heart. Nicole held my heart for a really long time, and I've
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This entry is total fucking bullshit. You just took a giant crap on all the friends you made here. So fuck you too, asshole.
Broken hearts, bad relationships, self-destructive friendships, heart wrenching and soul crushing school dances? Getting drunk with people I didn't even know on Valentines day because I could barely take the pain? Breaking up with my first girlfriend a day before Christmas break?
Honestly, who the fuck do you think you are. That's everyone's high school experiences. Dances suck, friendships end, and people break your heart. I think life's kinda like that too. Get used to it. Do you think the world is fair or kind. Barely take the pain. Jesus Christ, I can understant pain, and I feel for you. But fucking relationships and broken hearts and poor friendships are THE NORM, not the exception. I've had one constant friend : Dylan. You have Alex, he's an awesome guy. I fail to see why the situation at Carmel sucked so much. Was it Nicole? That's a piss poor reason.
The mythology movie was amazing. And we all know it was entirely because of you (granted Matteo as a cow was pretty funny). Frisbee was amazing. Gaming was amazing. Watching all those stupid online cartoons was amazing. South Pacific? Thousands of conversations? Is it a real real seashell necklace?
Remember when we met. It was at junior prom. We played crazy variations of vollyball in the gym, it was great. I thought you were a great guy then, and I still do now. What the fuck is your problem, ignoring all the good memories and holding tight to the bad. I don't even want to know what you think of me. Not that I care, since based on the image you've given of your friends and time at Carmel, your perception is obscenely skewed.
And I don't think you won't read this. The journal isn't deleted, you probably still read people's journals, and I'm sure you'll notice the one additional comment on this entry.
And I guess this also means our friendship is over, since I can't think of this in any way but, "You all suck and I hope to be rid of you!" Getting rid of the bad memories.
So... I'll miss you. I still think you're a great guy. But this, this is asinine. Best of luck with life.
John Henry Jemmott, Blondie, Satori, Mer, Whatever
ANYWAY, I hope that there are happier times ahead, Dave.
2)My outlook on has proven to be the correct.
3)Did I mention how life sucks.
4)Who is this?
fine, I thought I wrote life in their.
My outlook on "life" has proven to be correct.
In case this is who I suspect, I am as anal retentive as ever.
~hugs and kisses ^_^
2) and who's fault is that?
3) don't get all depressed on me, I hate it when people do that, it is both futile and obnoxious.
4) This is Michele, duh! The Sephiroth icon, and ridiculous name didn't give it away?
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