I hope for the most part all of you are getting the hang of how the challenges and voting works. We are now on to Challenge 02, same as last week, you may use either of the provided pictures.
[x] Deadline is Sunday, September 2nd.
[x] Use the provided pictures only.
[x] Brushes & textures can be used, but not required.
[x] Blending of images is allowed.
[x] Text can be used, but not required.
[x] Animation is permitted as long as you use only the pictures provided.
[x] Must fit livejournal standard 100x100 and under 40kb.
[x] You may use a skip, please leave a comment to this post. Skips may be earned by promoting up until the Challenge 01 deadline. If you would like to earn a skip, help me out my promoting...
information on that here[x] You may only enter if your name is on the list below, the number next to your name is how many icons you are allowed to submit.
Remaining Contestants
___notfadeaway (02)
acidic_flower (01)
all_feeling* (02)
butterflysxy* (02)
ensue (01)
ladybug1219 (02)
mrs_spork (02)
raisingrrrl (01)
yuppieflu* (02)
Contestants: 09
Icon Count: 12/15
* indicates how many skips you have
(#) indicates how many icons you must submit.