Who: Fay, Kanda, Kurogane, and Yuui
What: Kurogane’s execution. Or would be execution. He's going to be saved. Somehow.
Where: August
When: Backdated a few weeks, right after Kanda was dolled up
Warnings: Language, Violence, Kanda in drag
The trail was a joke. They'd ask him if he knew Fay and Kurogane wouldn't lie. They didn't believe him when he said the one time he rode anywhere with that gang was when he had been shot and tied up. Kurogane was told these were yes or no answers and he had some more choice words to say to that. The amount of gavel hitting that lead to would have been amusing if Kurogane wasn't so annoyed by all this. There were surprisingly few questions about Yuui and Kanda, probably a way of protecting the local watering hole.
None of it really mattered, Kurogane knew this was just a preamble to the public hanging. He was a bandit to them now and therefore lying through his teeth about everything except knowing Fay. Hell, they were fixing up the gallows when they were walking him to the court even. So when he was found guilty and sentence to hang, Kurogane had already been looking for a way to run. Unfortunately there had yet to be a good enough chance to run. Even drunks learn and had stepped up security.
"This is bullshit." Kurogane yanked his arm from the deputy leading him through the crowd of on lookers. He wasn't stupid enough to think he'd get far without getting shot. There were too many people around with guns and he didn't even know where Caballo was... Rather not call him into a crowd of bystanders anyways. He glared as the man took hold of his arm again and shoved Kurogane up the steps of the gallows.