Jun 02, 2008 12:32
I have leave today; the babysitter has an exam today and tomorrow at university (she's studying pedagogics... duh.), so there's no one to watch Gaja. Anyway, I still have (had) six days of 2007 leave left that have to be used up by the end of June, so it's not really that inconvenient. Except that on Wednesday, all hell's going to break loose in the waiting room in front of my office, of course, and that it'll take a week before everything settles down again, and by then she'll have to take off for another exam again. *L* Oh well. I don't know if I mentioned, but we did get the daycare/kindergarten placement for September, so we only have to get through the next few months, and we'll be on vacation/leave for most of July anyway.
I'm feeling an itch to go and sew! But what I really need to do is catch up on laundry (almost there) and do some basic cleaning. This week, the cleaning lady should come, I have to call her to find out when it would be convenient for her. And I have to go and have my glasses fixed and buy new ones. In fact, I should get a referral for an ophtalmologist - it's been three or four years since I've last had my eyes checked. And I'm blind as a bat too, though I do feel my sight hasn't deteriorated very badly. Still, even just getting glasses will be better than nothing. I'm forced to wear contacts, and in the evening it can become very inconvenient, because I tend to fall asleep with them still in my eyes (settling Gaja down) and then I feel awful in the morning.
What else? I'd like to go and finally order the furniture for the kids' room, so we can turn into three rooms necessary for them... but that would require doing some measuring so I could finalise some decisions we still hadn't. A pity! Maybe I'll try to interest Light of my Life tonight to do it, and just go tomorrow with Gaja and order the furniture. I'll take 45 days before it's finished anyway, and by then it'll be summer, so it may even take longer. Bother! But I just never get time to do it when I work.
Next? I'd like to buy sand for the sandbox, but that again requires driving somewhere and dragging it around, and it's freaking heavy stuff to, and difficult to do with a toddler. I'm sure there's more on the list, but I'm forgetting things again, and anyway I shouldn't spend too much money.
Once again, I'm feeling a need to become more organised in just about every respect of my life. I'm trying to study more recently, and I have been a bit better in that respect. I'm forced to, really, choosing one or another problem I had at work to look into in-depth. It seems there's always more to learn! My specialisation mentor has been visiting in my office last week, checking my work and my patients' files (this was a specialisation module homework. We went through a list as long as arm, checking and awarding points. Verdict? 187 points out of 230. For my exam, I need to pass with 200). He sounded approving, but I saw what a lot I have to fix yet. I want to be good - I HAVE to be good - and I just don't think I am anywhere NEAR where I'd like to be. So, I would like to make some sort of schedule or a list for studying... I got a call from the nursing home today, and now I want to look in and check something about liver enzymes - what does it actually mean if AST and ALT are barely rasied, but AF and gama-GT are up in the sky? I think, together with high billirubin and high inflammation parameters it indicates a cholecystitis. In fact, clinically I'm nearly sure of it, because any kind of serious liver damage would see all enzymes raised. Hmmm...
Okay, I think I was right. the inflammation is already settling down (CRP and leukocytes are down from Thursday), so it makes sense only AF and GGT are still up much, since GGT is slowest to normalise and AF is probably raised because of out of liver biliary obstruction. I asked the nurse who called me to make a note for me to consider an ultrasound when I return back to work and actually go and see the lady. :P I told them on Thrusday when they called me (I had speicalisation module, so I was not at work) to call emergency doc, but apparently she only ordered antibiotic over the phone. I wouldn't do that, but each to their own. It seems to have worked, anyway.
But I think I want to sit down and go over liver diseases this evening once again. I've got this marvelous book, Finnish in origin, Evidence-based medicine guidelines for primary care. It's really great - short and to the point - at least, entries are short, the book itself is big enough to kill an unsuspecting person if it hits them in the head. :P
I should also make a list of things I want to sew. Neither my sister nor my sister in law seem to want to cloth diaper... so probably any project with that in mind is best abandoned. I've got a heap of fabric already cut to make cloth wipes, I could still do it, because I intended to make them with terry, and that's always nice to use for just about anything, including washing the baby, wiping noses and dirty hands and so on. I ought to get into the habit of always carrying a spray bottle of baby cleaning solution and some wipes with me. :P Then, there's the unfinished project of Gaja's interlock wool soaker. I've cut and dyed the fabric, but forgot to felt it! So it'll almost certainly sooner or later shrink enough it'll be unusuable. Maybe I should just make it, felt it, measure it, and send it to some online friend with a newborn. And then prewash on HOT the remaining interlock, and start the dyeing and sewing project again. I could do with some more soakers too. They seem more cofomrtable during the night than wraps.
And of course, there's my apron which I NEED to finish. And I'd like to make one more as a snack, only with my speed it'll be a Christmas gift, and 2008 only if we're lucky. :P In fact, I'd like to make one more for me! Just no time for it. Maybe this week I'll be more lucky, but probably not.
Also, I need to look into all my delicious bamboo velour fabric. I could make some more... TMI warning for the faint... mama cloth! I think I'll go for the environmentally friendly options as far as AF is concerned as well, it's just a bit more difficult than cloth diapers, really. I don't know why.
Argh. Need to get going here. Gaja's bound to wake up from her nap any minute now, and I have really wanted to clean up some by the time she did!