Melody ♫ (6) ♫ {Accidental video}

Jan 02, 2011 13:00

 [The screen opens to show Ana, quietly sitting on a bench somewhere. She's reading a book, but her mind doesn't seem to lie with it. She flips through the pages for a few minutes before speaking.]

So many people are worried. Their thoughts are so scared.

...And that presence isn't good either.

[Her tone is soft, with many hints of worry and discomfort. Physically, she's even small, her body curled up with what seems to be cold. She continues to flip through the pages, before setting the book down, the cover facing the screen. It's the Bible.]

I hope everything's alright.

uh oh satan, something's not right, usagi we could really use your powers, ana is sad moeblob, what's going on, video, i am faithful, being a little psychic

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