Jdrama Reviews! and one K-movie review

May 15, 2018 11:32

Okay, I'm very late on a couple of these. Since my last update I've watched about 3 dramas. Well, I finished 2 and then started a third. I can blame life on these. It wasn't because I was lazy this time. That happens. I'll have to check my drama list to see the last ones I watched so that I don't forget.

I continued with this series in hopes that it would redeem itself with me, and in the end it sort of did. To a point. Just barely. Probably by a hair. I had hoped that Kotoko would grow and mature now that she was married and undergoing the demands of married life and studying to be a nurse. Not much changed. She was just as clingy and whiny as she was to me in the first one. I had hoped that the show would gravitate more towards a slice-of-life type story, but the implied romance is still there, even though I didn't get it. A lot of the things that established the main relationship was just too much for me.

There were a few episodes that I did really get into. I was thankful because the show was able redeem itself for me, but then there were others that made me wonder why I was still watching the show. I had considered dropping it because I couldn't take it anymore.

I know some people love it and say it's one of the best dramas out there, and I'm going to let them have their opinion. I'm not saying those who loved the show are ridiculous because these reviews are my personal opinion. Just throwing that out there right now as a disclaimer. I guess these type of shows don't really do it for me. I think I'm more for the mature type of relationships. I like rom-coms such as Hana Kimi and Hana Yori Dango. I guess sometimes romance dramas can be kind of hit or miss with me.

I rated this drama a 6.5 out of 10.

This was another drama on Netflix(I love that there are so many Asian dramas on Netflix now!! XD) that I picked up. I wanted to see how different and how similar it was to the one I saw last year that had Ninomiya in it. The result was...similar, but different. I think this one was a lot more modern than the last one. As it should be since that one came out in 2003 or some time in that time frame. The plot and synopsis were the same. Girl mysteriously shrinks down to about 3 inches tall one night while she was out, and now she has to figure out how to survive while her friend keeps her safe. The difference was that she and her friend were really close when they were little kids, but they grew distant when Miniami's dad left them, and he grew cold and aloof to Chiyomi. They grew up living as next door neighbors and ceased talking to each other, even though Chiyomi missed her friend. One night after telling her family she wants to go to Tokyo to audition for a dance school, she has a big fight with them because they didn't support her. She runs off and then bumps into Minami. They fight too, because Chiyomi notices that Minami is paying attention to another girl who might just be a player. He calls her selfish and she storms off again. She hides in a cave near the ocean and starts crying, wishing that things between her and Minami were back to the way they were when they were kids because she misses him. She wakes up the next morning being only 3 inches tall and naked. It goes on from there after Minami finds her small in the cave and he takes her home with him as they both try to figure out what happened and how to get her normal again.

I liked this aspect of the drama more than the last one. In Nino's version, they were both already in a close relationship, but they had one fight and they separated, causing Chyiomi to shrink just so they could work on becoming close again. This time, there wasn't a spell cast on them, just that Chyiomi really wanted her friend back. They were able to close the distance on their relationship, and soon confessed their feelings to each other.

All in all, I liked this drama a lot more. The plot had a stronger drive to it, and the all of the characters had a better background story besides just messing things up for the main couple to create tension. I also liked that Minami and Chyiomi were able to become friends again and then grew to be boyfriend and girlfriend at the end. The drama had a much happier and finished ending as well. Things were accomplished and loose ends were tied up very nicely. Though the ending was a little cheesy. Overall, I was happy with this one.

I gave this drama a 7 out of 10.

Here's my first Korean film review! Actually, my first film review in general. I had thought about including movies but I really wanted to talk about this one. I was glad to see this one on Netflix as well. What I didn't notice right away was that Yoo Gong played the main guy and I had seen him before in Coffee Prince. It's been a couple years I've seen that drama, and I thought he looked familiar.

This movie kind of reminded me of 28 Days Later. Zombie invasion basically except with trains. However it was one of the best zombie movies I have seen! I don't know how other foreign movies handle the zombie genre but this was done very well! It did have the same prospect and storyline and other zombie movies, but the action was great! The music added so much to the scenes as well that made things more intense or emotional. I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes thrillers, gore, horror or zombie movies in general!

I gave this movie a 9.5 out of 10.

There they are. That's how I feel about writing about those dramas and the movie. Haha. Sorry, it made me a little tired trying to remember how I felt about them and wanting to capture their essence in words. Maybe I just need to write more. That would help a lot.

See you next time!

jdrama, review, movie review, japanese drama

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