Do you ever find stuff you forgot you had? Evidently, i collect TOMY figures & Zukan (updated wants)

Mar 06, 2017 23:06

I've moved very recently, and up until NOW I've had all kinds of things in storage (I'm talking years). Just recently got it all back out to display, and was surprised - I knew I had lots of first gen TOMY's, I just didn't realize *how many!*  I also found a bunch of kids and misc. figures like zukans that I can't recall getting. Felt like sharing for anyone that's interested. x3

(OH and also, if anyone here happens to have a Gastly TOMY, could you kindly show me pics? I've posted pics of my own Gastly below the cut. Sadly, I'm not quite sure about his authenticity and was hoping to get some help.)

My box of TOMY figures! Was excited to see these again.

Pictured is every figure I have that I know for certain is not a bootleg. I'm sad to say it was really disappointing to go through them all again. I'm missing figures that I thought for sure I had, and several that I DID have/really liked turned out to be booties. Officially, I've made it to 127.. Looks like I'm back to collecting TOMY figures.
Here's the Gastly in question! Looks like it could be legit, but it seems to me like his face is a little crooked. :/
It's really hard to see it in my crappy lighting (apologies. ALSO please excuse the awful MS Paint edit), but past the "seam" on the corner of Gastly's eye, the white paint looks a little lighter. Has anyone else noticed these inconsistencies with legit TOMY figures?

Kids figures I most definitely forgot about.. Apparently I collected more than just Raichu. xD

And now, the Zukans I also DID NOT REALIZE I HAD

**EDIT** I can't believe I forgot about these Nido figures!

These have got to be super old, because I can't recall how or where I got them at all. Had no clue I had a mini Nido collection packed away (maybe I'm getting old << ).. Funny thing is, I love these, but I don't recall the Nido line being a mega favorite or anything. xD

..Aaaand that's it for figures! Non Raichu wants list:

TOMY/Moncolle Figures
I'm basically collecting whatever isn't shown!

Kakuna, Beedrill
Mankey, Primeape
Abra, Kadabra

Replacement TOMYs
I'm looking to replace the following figures, because the ones I have are either the older versions or really scuffed up! If you happen to have these available in good condition or with minimal scuffs, let me know. C:

The starters (Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle line)
Eeveelutions (looking for newer versions)
Metwo, Mew (looking for newer versions)
Raichu (looking for the old pose re-color with the white tummy)
Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff

As far as the more rare TOMY figures go, like Gastly, Electrode, Ditto, Magmar and Pinsir, please let me know if you have them available and what you would like for them! Worst case scenario, I'll have to turn you down and bother you about your figures again on my next pay day. xD

Thanks for looking! <3

zukan, tomy

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