119 Chibi Stamp lot sales

Jul 28, 2015 14:55

I recently bought a large lot of chibi and pokeball roller stampers in the hopes if getting a dragonite so I come to you with the remaining 100 something stampers
the ones in the top left are the ones I decided to keep for myself

click here or the picture to go to the sales, also most of the stamps for sale I tagged below

so this isn't just a sales post here's a little teaser of one of the items that should be arriving in the mail in the next few weeks

primeape, charmeleon, stamps, dewgong, mew, omanyte, bellsprout, oddish, onix, graveler, psyduck, kakuna, jynx, poliwhirl, goldeen, caterpie, vaporeon, golbat, magmar, nidoking, pikachu, staryu, drowzee, farfetch'd, butterfree, grimer, machamp, persian, mewtwo, krabby, rapidash, ivysaur, electabuzz, dodrio, tangela, pinsir, nidoqueen, arcanine, doduo, clefairy, slowpoke, growlithe, pidgeotto, kabutops, rhydon, exeggcute, tauros, figures, sales, gastly, geodude, flareon, starmie, raticate, diglett, ekans, magikarp, fearow, mankey, venomoth, kingler, moltres, dugtrio, pidgeot, shellder, wartortle, raichu, seaking, charmander, golem

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