PokemonTrader:// Legendary Shine Collection - Claims Post // ◕‿◕

Jul 17, 2015 00:09

Hi Pkmncollectors!

All cards have now been revealed for this set! There turns out to be no SRs in this set, however the 27 cards included DEFINITELY make up for it! I've also updated the price of Hoopa EX from $10.00 to $7.50 and now have included a FULL SET for $45.00.

All photos as always are from collectorviper.

Click any of the new spoilers or the banner to be transported to my claims post! :) I'll be up for a few more hours and will check again in the morning! :) Thanks everyone!

inkay, wobbuffet, dedenne, reshiram, tcg, cards, hippopotas, latios, hoopa, regigigas, meowth, fennekin, braviary, arceus, pikachu, chespin, braixen, black kyurem, white kyurem, rufflet, palkia, hawlucha, froakie, dialga, pancham, latias, frogadier

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