Hello everyone! It's modpost time again, I'm sure you've seen
pkmnmod busy at work earlier today moving pages. We've been trying to migrate the rest of the pages hosted offsite to LJ posts, except those that need to be hosted offsite. We also have some changes to chat about as well as reminders and information about the long awaited BANNER CONTEST! So lets get this show started.
Sidebar Updates
Pkmnmod has been busy updated and changing things on the sidebar. You'll notice the
Group Auction rules page has been rehosted onto Livejournal, as well as the
Tutorials Collection. The GA page has been updated to reflect the current rules, most noteably is the rule that requires hosts doing spreadsheets and threads to have at least trade status in order to host.
You'll also notice the sidebar has been cleaned up a bit of links that are not used very often or severely outdated. We're trying to keep the sidebar relevant and helpful for all members so if we remove something you use reguarily please let us know!
RAP + Suggestion Box
If you've tried to report a problem in the last few hours you'll notice we have switched over to a new system, google forms! We feel this is a lot easier to not only manage but keep annonymous, as screening and unscreening comments in the original RAP could often times mess up. We hope this will encourage more people to contact the moderators with any issues that may arise. Please remember when you report to try include as much information as possible and the easiest/fastest/best way to contact you to get the quickest response time.
Suggestion Box has also moved over to a google form, we understand it has been a little neglected so we hope the revival will perk more people into letting us know their ideas. Remember, no idea is too big or small especially if you don't let us know what it is!
Rule Reminders
As per usual, here are a few general rule reminders we see most commonly broken!
★ As usual, 500px by 500px is the max allowance for pictures outside a cut. You can find multiple tutorials on how to LJ cut on the sidebar!
★ Non-pokemon items in sales are not allowed unless linked to another page in your personal journal. Often times this gets overlooked, but we really would like to stress that this is a pokemon collecting community and if you post merchandise from other series you will be asked to remove them.
★ Please be curteous and remember to leave feedback! Some members are trying their hardest to get sales permission, if they request you leave them feedback once the transaction is done then please oblige. It only takes a minute to leave someone feedback!
★ Remember when hosting a Group Auction or posting your sales/lots on ebay to include your sales permission and who you got it from!
And that last reminder is a nice transition into the next big thing...
Sales Permission Directory + Member Site Master List
Sales Permission Directory has been updated to include all previous and new members who have sales permission! Also the Member Sites Master List is currently undergoing a major overhall and will run similar to the
Member Shops List, a searchable directory where it's very easy to find what you are looking for. Want a sneak peak? Check out what has been updated so far
And now onto the thing we've all been waiting for...
Pkmncollectors 2015 Banner Contest sponsored by
It's been 3 long years since out last contest and while we all have grown to love our banner it's time for an update! Please read all rules before submitting your entry.
★ One entry per person.
★ Entries must be 800 x 235 pixels, no more or less. If your entry is bigger or smaller you will be asked to resize it. Entires must also be .jpg or .png only!
★ Banners must contain merchandise only. This is not a drawing contest! The only exception to this rule is using merchandise artwork, such as pokedoll artwork. This artwork must be
official artwork.
★ Banners must contain our tagline! Pkmncollectors @ Livejournal. Buy. Sell. Trade. Brag Feel free to get creative with this!
★ Entries must be submitted via email to pkmnmods@gmail.com. When e-mailing please include your username, title of your entry and don't forget to attach it!
★ You have until Saturday, August 15th to submit your entry.
★ Voting begins Sunday, August 16th and will go until August 31st.
★ The winner will receive a $25 credit toward an item of their choice from Sunyshore!
Need some inspiration? Check out the
2012 Contest or the
2010 Contest!
As per usual feel free to discuss any of this in the post below. We'll be around answering questions, concerns, suggestions, love confessions ...
Have a wonderful day! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ