Hi, Everyone!
- I was wondering if anyone has French Double Crisis cards for trade/sale? Or if someone would be willing to be a middleman for a French card website (not sure what my options are...I was thinking of checking the France Ebay). I'm only missing Walrein to complete the non-RH set and I'd also like to find the RH versions of Magma's Poochyena and Magma's Mightyena.
- Another community member and I have been discussing possibly doing a Group Buy for the Pikachu Make Believe Magikarp/Gyarados Promo TCG sets that are releasing next week. I was wondering how many people would be interested in something like that? Basically, we would be separating out the items (ie - the 2 promo cards, booster packs, card sleeves, etc) in the sets so that people that only want an item or two are able to get what they want without having to pay for the whole thing.
- Reposting my top English card wants here in case anyone has them for trade/sale -
Espeon - Aquapolis - 11/147 - Reverse Holo
Espeon EX - EX Unseen Forces - 102/115
Espeon Star - POP Series 5 - 16/17 - this card is probably too expensive for me to afford
Flareon - Legendary Collection - 10/110 - Holographic
Flareon - POP Series 3 - 2/17 - Non-holo
Flareon EX - EX Delta Species - 108/115
Glaceon Lvl X - Majestic Dawn - 98/100
Jolteon - Legendary Collection - 14/110 - Reverse Holo
Jolteon - POP Series 3 - 3/17 - Non-holo
Umbreon - Aquapolis - 41/147 (and/or H29/H32) - Reverse Holo
Umbreon - Skyridge - H30/H32 - Holographic
Umbreon EX - EX Unseen Forces - 112/115
Umbreon Star - POP Series 5 - 17/17 - this card is probably too expensive for me to afford
Vaporeon EX - EX Delta Species - 110/113
Arcanine - Skyridge - H2/H32 - Holographic
Arcanine - HGSS 1/123 Non-Holo Alternate Print from Ember Spark Theme Deck
Ninetales - Aquapolis - H19/H32 - Holographic
And possibly - Ninetales - HGSS 7/123 Cracked Ice Holo from Blister Packs - I'm not sure if they all have the Undaunted symbol error
- And now the real reason for this post. This beautiful box arrived in the mail today -
That's 5 Korean booster boxes (and 3 extra Furious Fist packs that the seller included) - X, Y, Wild Blaze, Rising Fist, and Phantom Gate. SO that's 150 booster packs. lol. I already opened the 3 extra ones because I couldn't stand it. I got Glaceon and holo Pangoro. I'm not sure if I'll be opening all 5 boxes or if I'll just open the X and Y boxes today and save the rest for next week.
Hopefully, Livestream will behave this time. Last time, I had to switch websites so we'll see how it goes. I'll update this post if I end up having to switch locations.
Livestream Link As usual, my dogs will probably make an appearance at some point. My livestreams are silent, so don't worry about your sound. I will be typing in the chatroom as "maitaidelight" or "risha."
I will edit this text once the Livestream starts. Which should be around 3:25 pm Eastern Time. (about 5 minutes after the original posting) Livestream is finished! Thanks to everyone that stopped by! I ended up opening all 5 boxes. See below for some of the highlights.
Any duplicates or cards I don't collect will be available for trade/sale after I finish sorting through them. So, if there's something from these sets you'll be interested in or if you see something you like during the Livestream, please comment here and I'll let you know if it is available. ^^
Taking a quick break after the first two boxes since the tips of my fingers are numb after 60 packs. lol.
Some highlights:
X - Venusaur EX, M Venusaur EX, Skarmory, and both Vivillion prints.
Y - Blastoise EX, Emolga EX, and Furfrou.
And the rest:
Wild Blaze - This was the most disappointing box. No Charizards and only one EX (Kangaskhan). I did pull Milotic and a bunch of other holos though.
Rising Fist - M Heracross EX (which will be available for trade/sale), Seismitoad EX, and Sylveon (and Eevee, Glaceon, and Leafeon. XD!)
Phantom Gate - Gengar EX and M Gengar EX. (Also two copies of Jamming Net which I'm not sure I'll keep). Didn't pull a Mightyena, so that was kinda sad.
Got lots of other holos from both sets but those were my favs. :D
~ Risha