grail get! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ + more

Jun 19, 2015 13:29

Hello, friends! Today, I'd like to present my newest (and most difficult, haha) ★ grail get ★ . It's a very precious item that I honestly didn't think I'd ever own. And as usual, I have a stockpile of gets to feature. |D

Take a look if you'd like!

After much hunting, here is my grail is in his full glory! A Salamence Pokedoll. I can't remember how long I've been searching for it, I want to say two years? Give or take a little.

This particular Mence is the sixth one I've bid on. I've been counting each auction that I tried (and failed) to win. They'd always pop up at inconvenient times and end higher than I could afford, even if I held some fundraising sales. As the losses stacked up, it felt more and more hopeless to even try. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be, eh? ;__;

I eventually gave in and asked someone to make a lookalike minky Salamence Pokedoll (still in the works right now!). Shortly after, another Salamence Pokedoll reared its head on Yahoo!Japan. My thoughts were pretty much "LOL I want off this ride pls"

But my wallet was pretty full at the time. A kind comm member even sent me a link with very encouraging words! (You know who you are <333) The plush looked loved, too, so perhaps it'd end cheaper?

WELLLL that last bit didn't happen, BUT I MIRACULOUSLY WON! And lemme say, I'm so glad it's all over. I can't believe I finally have this little dragon, ufffff

As expected, he arrived in loved shape with pilling fabric. But thanks to mewisme700's handy tape method, I cleaned him up a bit! I did take a few photos of the before and after, but the camera didn't really pick up the difference. In-person, though, it was a drastic change!

He's so precious, ahhhhh~ thank you to everyone who has supported and encouraged me in this search!! ;U; <333
Moral of the story: no matter how many times you lose your grail, keep at it! xO

Finally, let's talk about non-grail gets! Here are some cuties I got back in early May, courtesy of the wonderful aceattorneygirl. +u+b

Not only did she help me get a bunch of Amiibo (only Charizard shown above), she even surprised me with some custom Salamence Tsum Tsum stuff! Way to make Salamence cute, ahahaa~ thank you again for all the help and for BEING AWESOME ;v;7

Regarding the Charizard Amiibo, I've got to say it's pretty gorgeous-nice detailing, nifty color gradients, good size and weight, all that. Definitely a worthy purchase.

Who doesn't love tins? That Armaldo tin has been the last item on my Anorith/Armaldo wants list for an awfully long time. I knew of a MIP tin on eBay, but given I only wanted the tin, I couldn't justify the price.
After months of waiting, this tin popped up for auction, and I won it dirt cheap. I actually felt a little bad for the seller lmao

ANYWAY, it's a very pretty tin! I bought the Rayquaza tin for the tiny Salamence cameo.

Thanks to Animeraro for these kids figures, a DX Hydreigon and Mega Salamence. It was a relief to be able to find that Hydreigon, even after I procrastinated buying it for... months OTL

Got this lovely Charizard eraser from moonlightpkmn. It's apparently from a blind-packaged Korean eraser series.

Another Charizard, this time the TOMY "pose" figure. The figure is pretty sleek, with a unique pale color scheme to boot.

Salamence and Anorith Retsuden stamps from the recent GA that herar and I co-hosted. They didn't have any ink, but I fixed them right up with an ink pad. Specifically, an ink pad from my Hydreigon collection LOL.

Here's a little something I've been hunting for a while. This Salamence UFO plush isn't that rare, so I've been waiting for a good deal. It's a real cutie.

Aaand now for some FromJapan and Noppin purchases:

Whoa so I bought these back in April, but I hadn't had a chance to show them until now. A big thank-you to lucklessprince for showing me the auctions.

These are vintage party favor bags from way back in the Kanto days. We've got Pikachu on snare, Meowth on double bass, and Farfetch'd on a leek flute. Music-related merch is always lovely. +_+

You might've seen mercurrix's post about blind-packaged Retsuden stamps. I was lucky enough to find a set of 18, as well. :o

The way Ensky packs these, you can tell straight from the first pull which half of the set you got. Well... I got the same half that mercurrix did. I only opened three bags before stopping, haha OTL

Feel free to comment if you'd want any of the stamps. (See the first set, #1-18!) If there's enough interest, I might go ahead and open the rest to sell individually. Otherwise, though, I'm probably going to keep them blind-packaged and sell them together.

A MIP Charizard Pokedoll strap, ahh~ The stickers keep falling from my older strap, so I'm delighted to have another to keep fresh and minty.

AHOY, non-collection merch! Knowing how soft the HQ Eevee plush is, I couldn't resist getting the Raichu version. The pastel coloring is sweet, and the minky is oh-sO FLIPPIN SOFT ;___;

Two binders! Aw yeahhhh. Does the artwork on top look familar? It should-it's the same as that tin from earlier. This artwork is much bigger and clearer, though.

On the bottom is rad card binder featuring AG era Mitsuhiro Arita artwork. I'm so grateful to have this item, especially considering how grossly elusive (and sometimes expensive, sobs) similar merch is.

The illustration includes a whopping three of my favorites! Aerodactyl, Charizard, and Salamence all in one place? In a dynamic style with sharp contrasts? Sign me right up!! ;A;

On that note, if you have any merch of this style and are willing to sell, I'd be delighted to buy from you! Here's what I have so far.
ALSOOO if any TCG expert are reading this, do you know where I can buy old Japanese cards? I like the feel of JP cards better, but I'm not sure where the best place to buy a bunch would be.

This just arrived today. What could possibly be inside...? if you can't already tell from the bottom

... Ta-da! A bunch of blind-packaged "Puchi Chara" figures. This set featured a handful of Kanto Pokemon, including a secret rare (Mew!). Transparent blue versions exist for each figure, too. Without further ado, here's what I pulled:

At least one of everything... except Mew. Oh well. I got several blue versions, though!
I was aiming for at least one Charizard, so I'm glad that happened. I didn't pull Charizard until the final row haha, I had started to think I wouldn't pull one at all and was a little sad OTL

A list of what I pulled if you're interested: Bulbasaur x1 (+1 blue version), Venusaur x2, Charmander x2 (+1 blue version), Charizard x1, Squirtle x2 (+1 blue version), Blastoise x1, Pikachu x2 (+1 blue version), Meowth x2 (+1 blue version), Jigglypuff x1 (+1 blue version), Eevee x1 (+1 blue version), Snorlax x1, Mewtwo x1.

I'll put everything I don't need up for auction later.

That's it! If you made it this far, I seriously appreciate you taking the time to view this. You fabulous person, you ;U;/

I'll finish up with a link to my collection site. I'd love to add some new sites to my links page, if you'd like to affiliate. Click the banner to go! +u+
Aaand quick reminder for my custom sketch commissions, over here. I'll stop accepting orders on Monday~ Hope you all have a nice day/night!

raichu, charizard, salamence, hydreigon, grail, armaldo, anorith

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