I <3 Pikachu... Raichu question.

Nov 19, 2013 06:56

I'm hoping this isn't against the rules... I just spent a long time reading them but I can't quite work out if asking where to find something is against the rules, eep!

That said, just a quick question from me about where I can find this guy~

And what price range I'd be looking at?

I've looked everywhere I can think of (eBay, this community, Google etc) and my results weren't very successful... eBay gave me 2 results, both over £40 (about $60) and everywhere else I tried gave me nothing...
I did find 3 on Yahoo!Japan, but I'm really not comfortable using YJ yet, so I don't think that'll work either ;A;

I don't really have a price range, since the difference between YJ and eBay was pretty large and I'm unsure what is even a reasonable price, but for the sake of making it easier, I'm hoping for maybe $35 maximum shipped to the UK. I don't have the funds for more than that right now ^~^
I was just wondering what the average sales price was, so I know how much I'm looking at if I ever do go to buy one, even if it's a lot more than $35...
Thank you!


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