Otakon gets!

Aug 15, 2013 23:11

After a rediculously busy two weeks (going to Baltimore from NJ two weekends in a row, first Bronycon with its Friday night dance party/ concert that shook the convention center to a 1.6 earthquake, then working for a 4-H club at the county fair for three days, and then back to Bmore for Otakon and the little community meetup, and a couple days hanging with a good friend and working my summer job at a minor league ballpark), here's my Otakon report:

Kiiiiids! Otakon is one of the few conventions I've been to that has a reliable amount of kids on sale. I had to restrain myself and only bought two. The enclosed candy is addicting, though! Glad it's not a drug.

The three Banpresto plushes I bought. (I have a chronic addiction to Pokeplush, someone help me!) I finally found a cute Piplup. I always wanted to find SOMETHING of a Piplup in honor of Michele Knotz, whom I'm sort-of friends with.

Vic signed my Kyurem movie DVD! I waited for over an hour in a smashed crowd and slow-moving line. People were right, Vic DOES schmooze with everybody!

Thank you puyro for handing out these goodie bags at the meetup on Friday evening! Also met midnitesilven, toda, and a couple others! (sorry if I forgot your names!) TCG stuff, pan stickers, and these scratch card games I've never heard of!

Pretty complex directions for a scratch card.

Despite the glut of Eevee merch on sale in the dealers room, I surprisingly didn't buy any. (I found better prices for most of them online anyway.)

reshiram, mpc, piplup, kyurem, kids, banpresto, bandai, sawsbuck, eelektross, vullaby, keldeo

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