The Talking Emonga, it is pretty much 1:1 and my FAVORITE so far. That or the Pokedoll one, it's small but ADORABLE! The 1:1 from the Pokemon Center is a grail for me though, it's like the only one I don't have yet.
Really? I saw it at Epcot last month and thought it was super derpy and inaccurate. I didn't like it at all lmao. I wonder why Tomy didn't ever make a 10-11 inch one...
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. I actually own every single Emolga plush out there. c: You want a big plush of him, that ISN'T the 1/1? Hmmm. I say go with the talky plush. It's a decent size and really adorable. :3 It's nicely made and soft too. Other than that, they're all pretty much the same size. Emolga's plush are all on the small size. The pokedoll is always a good place to start. ;3
Yay! Yes! It cries, it laughs, it does battle cries. It's very cute and you can't go wrong with the pokedoll. If not those, you could always give the tomy plush a try. c:
Omg you make it so desirable! <3 How big is the Tomy one, though? Is it like the ones they usually release when a new gen drops? (9-11 inches) I've been on the lookout for some of those.
I have a few but I think my favourite is the MPC. Dunno what it is about it, prolly the fact that it looks like its flying and enjoying the hell out of it. XD
The pokedoll is my personal favorite. I have 20 pokedolls and emolga is the second softest one. I just love petting his ears. :) He only loses out to the american leafeon because of the extra long minky they were made out of.
I totally get you. Those Pokedolls *_*. The Pokedoll is actually my second option after the Tomy talky one. I'll see which one pops up the cheapest first on Y!J for me. :P
Comments 50
It's either that or the Pokedoll (SO CUTE).
How big is the Tomy one, though? Is it like the ones they usually release when a new gen drops? (9-11 inches) I've been on the lookout for some of those.
It isn't huge, but I think it's really adorable. And it's much cuter in person. c: Also the ears are fun to play with~
The Pokedoll is actually my second option after the Tomy talky one. I'll see which one pops up the cheapest first on Y!J for me. :P
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