Dec 15, 2011 13:43

[Action → 752 Partridge Drive]

[considering how he was taken from his world right in the middle of winter, Ray isn't that perturbed by the cold weather. he certainly has enough sense to dress accordingly, even if the bright red and green scarf around his neck feels a little silly. gotta keep some of that holiday spirit intact, right?

early on in the day, he can be found on the driveway of 752 Partridge Drive, tinkering around under the hood of a very interesting car. for the most part he looks every bit like his usual cheerful self, save for the presence of an eyepatch over his right eye. it looks rather odd on him, and whatever injury it's masking isn't feeling very nice thanks to the chilly air. every so often he has to pause from working on the Ecto-1's engine to lean back and gently press against the area with two fingers, cringing to himself as he does so -

...before jumping right back into his work, humming a little song under his breath.]

[Action → John Doe Park]

[so there you are, walking through the park on this lovely December afternoon. it's been a rough week so far, maybe more-so for you than for others. for whatever reason, perhaps you consider the park to be one of the more peaceful places Mayfield has to offer, now more than ever thanks to the presence of that lovely Christmas tree. in spite of all the horrible things that have been happening since Thanksgiving, you can always take comfort in knowing that it could always be worse.

for example, you could be getting hit in the back with a snowball.]


[the culprit is standing next to a tree, smiling with one hand on his hip and another snowball already in his free hand. he cocks his head to the side.]

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