Oct 25, 2011 16:15

[Action → Greased Lightning Garage]

[outwardly, Ray doesn't seem any different from usual. he comes to work early, dresses in the blue coveralls he's been wearing to the garage for the past several days and jumps right into his daily routine with no questions asked, cheerfully working on today's project with single-minded intensity that should be characteristic by now. in a word, normal.

it's the subtler things that really make being around him unnerving; his smile is just a little too toothy but his eyes are sharp, not glossy or vacant like that of a drone's, and every so often he whistles as he tinkers around under the hood of the car he's working on. pilfering spare parts doesn't seem to be on his mind today nor does engaging in his usual brand of small talk, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have something to say to anyone who comes up to him while he's working.]

Almost finished! I'll bet you anything that Mr. Johnson isn't going to be happy when he sees the bill, but that's what you get for not being man enough to take care of your own car. Am I right?

[he laughs and wipes some oil off of his cheek before getting back to it.]

[Action → 1127 Taylor Road]

[should anyone swing by Taylor Road much, much later in the day, you'll come upon a sight that shouldn't be at all disturbing by this point. a long trail of goo is streaking the sidewalk, ending at the porch of 1127 where the real Ray is standing at, having a stare down with his doppelganger. the former is absolutely livid; the latter is the picture of calmness.]

Oh, look who it is. Just when things were starting to look up around here.

Please. I've seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers enough to know an unoriginal plan when I see it. Who were you trying to fool anyway?

'Fool'? What a nasty thing to say! I thought you'd be a little more thankful than that.

Thankful? For what?! You stole my identity!

Nah. I improved it. Go ask those friends of yours if you don't believe me. I imagine they're already back to being miserable now that you've stepped into their lives again, but you didn't hear that from m -

[the doppelganger is cut off abruptly, stumbling back against the wall when Ray lands a particularly vicious punch to his jaw. the double retaliates by grabbing him by the shoulders and throwing him backwards down the porch steps, lunging on top of him when he hits the lawn seconds later.

not the most pleasant thing to see on your way home.]
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