01 [backdated to the 12th]

Oct 16, 2011 18:42

[at some point in the course of the day following his arrival and subsequent reunion with Egon, Ray found himself grappling with two very conflicting emotions regarding the lovely little town he’d found himself trapped in. the pamphlets his friend had provided him with had painted quite the picture of Mayfield - herein depicted as a prison where tyrannical punishments like routine brainwashing were administered like candy - and although he could not deny the unpleasantness the town was filled to the brim with (really, how could he when all he had to do was walk down the street and look into a drone’s empty, glazed over eyes?), he also had to give credit where it was due and admit that whoever constructed this place had done a damn fine job. everything looked and felt like the 1950s, from the vintage cars parked along the road to the malt shop he passed on his way downtown. it was just like being in a sitcom…if one substituted wholesome family values like good sportsmanship and honesty with manipulation and torture, of course.

but being the forward-thinker he is, Ray is adamant on making the best of an awful situation. it’s not at all productive to sit around complaining about not having the resources at his disposal to construct even the most basic of equipment; if he and the others have any hope of getting out of this hellhole, they have only themselves and their resourcefulness to rely upon, just like back in the old days. the technology here might be antiquated, but he’s certain he can find a way around it.]

[Action → Jonathon's Tools]

[it’s hard not to feel excited after brainstorming with Egon. after getting things squared away with him and temporarily parting ways, Ray can’t stop thinking about the new direction their research is taking a turn in and how they’re going to handle it. the first logical step would be to procure some tools, but he really doubts it’ll be that easy to get his grubby mitts on an optical transceiver here. that’s going to require some serious improvisation.

the tool store is an ideal place to start. after reaching in one of his back pockets to discover a wallet filled snapshots of people he can only presume to be his family, a Mayfield issued driver’s license and, most importantly, assorted bills, this place might as well be a candy store. there’s stuff back at his own house, sure, but…it doesn’t hurt to stock up on some extra resources, right?

Ray can be found doing one of the following here:]

(a) [pushing a shopping cart through the store. when he stops by a shelf that catches his eye, he’ll throw something from it into the cart without a second thought and then mosey along to the next aisle. there’s some practical things in it like rolls of wire/cable, pliers and drill heads, but just as many weird items, too - like toasters. quite a few toasters, actually; more than humanly needed.

hope you don’t intend on buying any today because he’ll be the one to snatch one off the shelf right before you have a chance to reach for it.]

(b) [accidentally bumping into you with his cart, which is now quite filled and a little hard to steer. his eyes are wide and his expression immediately twists into one of concern.]

- Oh! My bad, I didn’t see you there! Are you okay?

[Action → 1127 Taylor Road]

[in all honesty, Ray doesn’t really want to return to his house. it’s not like it’s a dump, and from what he’s seen of them in the pictures, the people living with him look pretty nice. it just boils down to the simple fact that it isn’t his home and it’ll never come close to the firehouse, not in a million years. however, he can’t ignore that he’s kind of tired after such a long day; besides, there might be more tools in the garage.

if you come into the kitchen, you’ll see that Ray has commandeered his own section of the table. it’s a battleground of dismembered toaster parts and circuitry, but to be fair, he does try to keep it orderly…sort of. he’s dismantling two of the toasters he bought at the store, chewing on the handle of the screwdriver he’s using every so often while he organizes the pieces into two piles.

this is how he unwinds, okay. it’s relaxing.]
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