01 [backdated to the 12th]

Oct 16, 2011 18:42

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B just roll with it okay notsaul October 17 2011, 00:02:36 UTC
[oh my god dude

you just hit a dog

oh my god it's dead

what have you done]


pkeccentric October 17 2011, 00:18:33 UTC
[...oh jesus christ, what just happened. the cart comes to an abrupt screech, nearly swerving into the side of a shelf, and Ray is left staring at the scene of the crime.

the fact that there's a dog in a hardware store doesn't seem to faze him that much. he's more hung up over his awful deed.]

O-Oh God... [he crouches in front of the animal, trying not to panic.] Please, please, please don't be dead. Oh jeeze -


notsaul October 17 2011, 00:28:15 UTC
[yeah it's looking pretty dead except it's a bit too big to be a dog don't you think, the face just isn't right...

oh its eye opened


it's laughing

And where there was once a dead dog, there is now a rather human-looking young girl, who is laughing her ass off.] You should've seen your face! Fucking priceless!

[Oh, and when she changes from her wolf form to her human form? She's a bit completely naked. Have fun with that.]


1/2 pkeccentric October 17 2011, 00:35:33 UTC
[the more he looks at this thing, the less it resembles a dog. the snout's too long and the ears are too pointy, kind of like a -

oh. well. explains a lot, doesn't it? naturally, Ray's first instinct is to jump back which doesn't really translate well when he's crouching; all he accomplishes is falling flat on his ass and against the cart, which rolls off to hit the side of the shelf with a dull thud, knocking several boxes of lightbulbs onto the ground.

he looks really, really afraid and more than a LITTLE embarrassed. natural, right?]

Holy hell, th-that...


2/2 pkeccentric October 17 2011, 00:38:02 UTC
- That's so COOL. [the nudity? not so much. at all. where's a censor bar when you need it?] How did you do that?!


notsaul October 17 2011, 00:42:20 UTC
How? There's no how, dude, it's something you just do. Fucking natural and shit. [modesty is for people who don't think they're perfect]


pkeccentric October 17 2011, 00:54:04 UTC
[h-huff] Maybe for you. I've never met anyone who can, unless someone's hiding their lycanthropy from me.

[oh. my. god. watch him put two and two together, then clumsily scramble to his feet.]

...No way. There's werewolves here, too? Seriously?! [look at what you've unleashed, Annie. watch out.] Do you really have full control over it? You don't need to rely upon the moon, do you?



notsaul October 17 2011, 01:00:14 UTC
Only for some forms. For something simple like that? Please, even babies can pull off little shit like that. [She's totally vain about this; why do you think she hangs out with so many nerds?] You're not scared by it, though. That's pretty new, for a human.


pkeccentric October 17 2011, 01:13:23 UTC
[sad thing is, he can't decide whether or not the idea of a baby werewolf is horribly disturbing or horribly, terribly adorable.]

This is kind of my thing. My friends and I, we research this stuff, but we've never actually seen a werewolf before. If there are any in New York, they're probably much more shy than ghosts are.

[and given this chaos, he can now safely understand why that may be!]

I, uh, I hope you have an extra set of clothes, though. Somewhere.


notsaul October 17 2011, 01:19:22 UTC
That's, like, the opposite of reality. What kinda weird-ass world are you fr--

[and then it hits her]

Are you friends with Ghostloser? [she means Egon...] Weird guy, really deep voice, way too into science and shit like that?

[note how she does not answer that last question. because it's just that stupid to her. of course she doesn't.]


pkeccentric October 17 2011, 01:37:12 UTC
Ghostbuster. [it's very important, okay? don't forget it! wow, Egon must've left a great impression with her.] That'd be Egon alright, unless you ran into his evil twin or something like that. We work together back home.

Are you and him friends?


notsaul October 17 2011, 02:08:00 UTC
Yeah, we're totally friends! [She means this sincerely. This is what you're getting into.] He taught me about atoms and shit and I told him it's bullshit and magic is real!


pkeccentric October 17 2011, 02:15:52 UTC
[then by proxy, you're now Ray's friend, too. congratulations.]

Don't take it personally. I lent him a book on alchemy and all he did was use it as a paperweight. In our line of work, you gotta keep an open mind.

...Oh! I'm Ray, by the way. Ray Stantz. [he offers a hand to her, blushing a little. this is by far the strangest meeting he's had all day.]


notsaul October 17 2011, 02:42:37 UTC
[Congratulations right back atcha. It's not every day one makes friends with a lesbian Jewish werewolf who also happens to have god-tier trolling skills. Because, while Annie may not notice most completely obvious things? She notices the blush. And oh exploitable.

So she grabs his hand

and pulls him into a hug. Please note that Annie is about six foot four, without shoes. Do the math.]

Annie Goldstein!


drspengler October 17 2011, 02:52:13 UTC
[Rounding an aisle carrying an item or two, Egon glimpses a sight that causes him to stop dead in his tracks, brows furrowed in confusion... and maybe a little shock, primarily as to why Ray is hugging a naked Annie. Egon's been a scientist long enough to feel no shame looking at a naked body but he goes to turn away for Annie's modesty- wait. Modesty? Er... nevermind. He just stands there and stares with one eyebrow raised, mostly at Ray.]


pkeccentric October 17 2011, 03:03:12 UTC
[it sucks being the shortest among your friends. Ray is so taken aback by the abrupt hug that he not only has no time to pull away but also feels the side of his head get squished against a very specific part of Annie's chest. if his cheeks weren't rosy already, they're positively scarlet now.

and it only gets absolutely worse when who else but Egon strolls around the aisle RIGHT THEN AND THERE. slooowly, Ray turns his head against the skin it's pressed against, meeting the other man's gaze.

the desperation for a quick escape is so palpable you could cut it with a knife.]

...Hey, Spengler. [it comes out as a little squeak. somehow, he gets the feeling that he's digging his grave deeper.]


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