It's like I'm standing at the edge of a cliff, or a high diving board. Or maybe the open door of an airplane. I can see where I'm going. After I arrive, it won't be so bad, but the trouble is the journey there. It's going to go fast, but what I do on the way down will make all the difference between landing safely, or crashing spectacularly. I could turn around and run away, but I'm determined to go forward. And in just a moment, I will. But the now is that moment standing on the edge before you go over.
What I'm getting at is that right now, it's the night before my first class. The first day of what should be my last academic year in school. Ten years ago, it was my first day of senior year in High School. Five years ago was the first day of my last year in undergraduate. What a difference ten years make. I've often said this over the years on this blog, but I really don't know where I will be ten years from now. All I know is that it won't be here, for better or worse. It's kinda thrilling, but kinda scary. I guess this semester is going to be a little like that semester five years ago, which I spent working on my undergraduate thesis. I'm going to have a lot on my plate this semester. I'm taking three classes, like the last two semesters, but this time, I kinda know what to expect, so it isn't as scary. But the classes I'm taking this semester will probably harder. I know for one of them, I have to read a full book each week. Yeah....
However, I just HAD to go add something more to the mix. Sick of being desperately poor for last month, I went out and got a job. It's nothing much, I'm just working the circulation desk at my school's library. But it should be an easy job, and I can study (ie, read) in my downtime. Spent the better part of the last two days being trained and oriented. Kinda of boring, but I got TWO free travel mugs (one of which is HUGE) out of it, so it's cool. Still, it's a time commitment, so I have to be careful how I manage my hours. That means I need good time management skills. For real this time. However, I like to pretend I have this twisted theory that says the less free time I have, the better I'll manage me. In theory, I won't be as inclined to waste time.
Unfortunately, the semester has already begun, and it feels like I'm already behind. See, I have to write a ten page paper about the internship I did this over the summer, and I haven't even started. Fortunately, it's technically not due until the end of this semester, but I've had the last month to work on it, and I've done NOTHING. And this week hasn't been any help. Spent Sunday traveling back from a wedding, Monday... I can't remember what I did Monday. I think it involved baking bread and some shopping. Tuesday was training, then I had to fix my bike, and today was all orientation/training. Tomorrow I have to fill out some paperwork and go to class downtown. Oh, and at some point, I need to go pick up a package cause the stupid UPS guy keeps delivering it when I'm not around!
And then this weekend I'm going to Geek.kon, which should be interesting at the least. It'll will be the first con I've worked in five years, I think. At the very least, it'll be the first con I've spent any amount of time at in years. Skipping out on Sunday though to go to a family picnic that's in the same town. I figure since I'm in the area, I should stop by. Monday is labor day, so maybe I'll work on my paper then? Tuesday is work plus class, and Wednesday is early morning meeting, class then work. And before you know it, it's a week later, and I'll be bogged down with assignments. Well, that's about it for this week.
And so it begins....