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Mar 29, 2010 16:19

Snagged from ladysophiekitty:

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thank you richard dawkins

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pizzazzical March 29 2010, 22:20:06 UTC
that weird girl over there dressed as a pirate.

Aww, am I the only one who prefers ninjas to pirates?? T_T *feels like a social pariah*

I get a dopey smile on my face just seeing a picture of him.

Don't judge me... but I get like that around animals. As in, cute ones, not spiders. I don't smile at spiders...

Um, I can put both legs behind my head. So far I've found no use for this talent.

You could totally emigrate somewhere and set up a new life as a contortionist. Why get a visa when you can fold up into a suitcase?? Ok so airports have x-ray now but this one dude snuck a bomb onto a plane once, it can't be that hard! (My secondary job option is to become a careers counseller, if you couldn't tell!)

I love my family really, but they are hard work

I'm suspecting that this will get nominated for understatement of the year sometime soon...

Is that... Leda and the swan?? Oh f-list, why art thou so awesome?!?!?!?!?!?! You make me want to study classics at uni T_T

I love crispy seaweed, bit weirder?

Dude, I'm Chinese. We practically invented cripsy seaweed! (Ok, evolution did the seaweed, we did the crispy. But we patented it first :P)

Do you mean Moulin Rouge with Nicole Kidman? I love that movie too :D

My knowledge of Shelley and Keats is embarrassingly tiny. My areas of expertise is really the Renaissance. But you have inspired me to broaden my horizons!

Also, I like that I can eat really unhealthily and do virtually no exercise and stay thin.

I had a friend like that and she was really thin, but also really unhealthy (as her doctor soon told her)! She called it "being like a toffee: fat on the inside and thin on the outside". I'm not sure why she picked that metaphor -- but who cares? Anyway, hopefully you don't eat unhealthy foods just because you can, like she did :P


infernallysly March 29 2010, 22:40:18 UTC
There are a lot of people who think ninjas>pirates. I love ninjas and all, but habitually dress up as a pirate.

I don't really like animals very much. Not even cute ones.

I'm not majorly flexible in any other way, though, so unfortunately contortionist would be no good as a career option.

My family are... very good at making me miserable. Let's just say I shall be glad to leave for university.

It is! Bestiality, Romantic style!

most people are like "ew, seaweed?" but I love it. mm, seaweed.

Yeah, I do mean that one. I've seen it waaaaay too many times.

I love Shelley, but in some ways I'm more interested in his personality than his writings. also, I have a (logically impossible?) crush on him.

I don't aim to be unhealthy, I just don't pay attention to what I eat. Also, I forget to eat a lot, which is probably bad.


pizzazzical March 30 2010, 16:56:30 UTC
I love ninjas and all, but habitually dress up as a pirate.

Ah, I can understand that. Johnny Depp's look was flawless. It amuses me how people in medieval/roman dramas can have BLINDINGLY WHITE even teeth. Flossed regularly, I guess.

Not even cute ones.

The only thing my mum likes is babies. Even fat, squishy bald ones. I cannot understand it. She reacts to babies the way I react to my icon.

lol, of course bestiality and rape is romantic! I guess Pasiphae > Danae in terms of poetry material. But I do like the story of Leda and the swan, if only because they produced Helen, and indirectly the Trojan war. I can't get enough of the Illiad :P

My brother loves seaweed too! :D He goes gaga for it.

The strange thing is, we studied lyrical ballads but we focused mainly on Wordsworth (even though Coleridge is way cooler). Blergh, formalised education.

Lol my friend isn't like that. She purposefully binges on unhealthy foods cause they can't make her fat! xD


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