please fill this in?

Mar 29, 2010 16:19

Snagged from ladysophiekitty:

1. Name:Read more... )

thank you richard dawkins

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Comments 19

elphie_uk March 29 2010, 16:58:48 UTC
1. Name: Faye
2. Birthday: 22nd January
3. Where do you live: Exeter, Devon, UK
4: What are you studying/What are you working as: I'm still at high school, but eventually I'll be studying medicine (if all goes to plan!)
5. What makes you happy: Squeeing over my fave actors/tv shows/movies
6. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: Kerry Ellis- I Love It When You Call
7. What is particularly good/bad about my LJ: Your fics =) What happened to that le mort d'Arthur fic?
8. An interesting fact about you: Uhm... I'm pretty boring I'm afraid!!
9. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: Nope!
10. Favorite place to be: In my bedroom
11. Favorite lyric: Can't think of any atm... My Skin by Natalie Merchant has gorgeous (but sad) lyrics though!
12. Best time of the year: May (Generally the best weather!)
13. Weirdest food you like: I'm pretty fussy! A few people think it's weird that I love mushrooms, but I think that that's pretty normal!

1. A film: Cashback
2. A book: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the ( ... )


pizzazzical March 29 2010, 22:03:59 UTC
Thanks for replying! I love finding out more about people :D Good luck with medicine, you're far braver than I am!

What happened to that le mort d'Arthur fic?

Firstly: thank you! And as for La Mort d'Arthur, an update is coming really, really soon. Sorry to keep you guys hanging!

Uhm... I'm pretty boring I'm afraid!!

Hehe, I'm pretty sure that's not true -- but we all have mind blanks so I'll let you off this time :P

I'm pretty fussy! A few people think it's weird that I love mushrooms, but I think that that's pretty normal!

I love mushrooms too! Nothing strange about that! *shifty eyes*

And I adore The Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. I might need to re-read it! And you like Glee! Hurray!

And good for you in saying you're intelligent :D We wouldn't want a doctor who doesn't know her stuff now do we? ;)


luckytohaveher March 29 2010, 18:45:30 UTC
You don't know me at all so here we go
1. Name: Mara
2. Birthday: November 20th.
3. Where do you live: Someplace, Boringland.
4: What are you studying/What are you working as: I'm in uni, looking for a job.
5. What makes you happy: Twitards. Well, they amuse me at least. Brad's shaven face, Captain Fine, smutty fic.
6. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: The sound of Nicole Kidman spanking her monkey (It's not as kinky as it sounds... I'm watching The Golden Compass)
7. What is particularly good/bad about my LJ: Tiny icons in replies! Eeek!
8. An interesting fact about you: I'm wearing my pajamas at 3PM. Gotta love Easter Break.
9. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: It's complicated. He gave me a lightsaber and my grandma wants me to marry him.
10. Favorite place to be: Movie theatre. Cuz I love the smell of the candy stuck to the floor <3
11. Favorite lyric:
Down to the earth I fell ( ... )


pizzazzical March 29 2010, 22:09:25 UTC
Oh hai thar stranger!

It's complicated. He gave me a lightsaber and my grandma wants me to marry him.

Forget star-crossed lovers, this is the true sign of love: when your grandma approves! I hope you're very happy together! As for lightsabers, I have a wary attitude to them seeing as my brother has broken three, not all of them by accident

OMG ICARUS REFERENCE. You + me + Greek Mythology = OTP. We should do a dramatic reading of The Illiad someday, you know, for laughs.


If you ever move here, you will SOON change your mind! :P

You're a violinist. Just like Merlin when he's protesting those awful scenes.

I do hope that I am better than Merlin, though. The poor lad's tone-deaf! :O

And you should definitely post it! I want to talk about you at great length! *nods*


luckytohaveher March 31 2010, 20:20:19 UTC
Merlin is bad on purpose! We know that, he hopes that his bad playing will make them stop. Now I'm sure that if you played during their scenes maybe they wouldn't be so painful. That is if I cover my eyes and only listen to the music :P

OMG ICARUS REFERENCE. You + me + Greek Mythology = OTP. We should do a dramatic reading of The Illiad someday, you know, for laughs.

OMG OMG Have you heard that song? It's so beautiful. I can totes upload it if you want it!

Maybe I'll post it later, I'm trying to watch a movie right now. I keep getting distracted lol.


infernallysly March 29 2010, 20:01:05 UTC
You probably know a lot of this already, but...

1. Name: Georgina/Georgiana/that weird girl over there dressed as a pirate.
2. Birthday: 20th June
3. Where do you live: Kent
4: What are you studying/What are you working as: I have exciting temp jobs fiddling with databases etc. but next year I'm going to Imperial so I'm studying physics and Italian on my own time.
5. What makes you happy: At the moment? Johnny Weir :D like, I get a dopey smile on my face just seeing a picture of him.
6. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: Animal Nitrate by Suede (oh yeah, rockin' it old school!)
7. What is particularly good/bad about my LJ: I like the layout, it's pretty!
8. An interesting fact about you: Um, I can put both legs behind my head. So far I've found no use for this talent.
9. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: Not on anyone I actually know...
10. Favorite place to be: Anywhere but at home (I love my family really, but they are hard work).
11. Favorite lyric: IDK, so have some poetry instead:

A sudden blow: the ( ... )


pizzazzical March 29 2010, 22:20:06 UTC
that weird girl over there dressed as a pirate.

Aww, am I the only one who prefers ninjas to pirates?? T_T *feels like a social pariah*

I get a dopey smile on my face just seeing a picture of him.

Don't judge me... but I get like that around animals. As in, cute ones, not spiders. I don't smile at spiders...

Um, I can put both legs behind my head. So far I've found no use for this talent.

You could totally emigrate somewhere and set up a new life as a contortionist. Why get a visa when you can fold up into a suitcase?? Ok so airports have x-ray now but this one dude snuck a bomb onto a plane once, it can't be that hard! (My secondary job option is to become a careers counseller, if you couldn't tell!)

I love my family really, but they are hard work

I'm suspecting that this will get nominated for understatement of the year sometime soon...

Is that... Leda and the swan?? Oh f-list, why art thou so awesome?!?!?!?!?!?! You make me want to study classics at uni T_T

I love crispy seaweed, bit weirder?Dude, I'm Chinese. We ( ... )


infernallysly March 29 2010, 22:40:18 UTC
There are a lot of people who think ninjas>pirates. I love ninjas and all, but habitually dress up as a pirate.

I don't really like animals very much. Not even cute ones.

I'm not majorly flexible in any other way, though, so unfortunately contortionist would be no good as a career option.

My family are... very good at making me miserable. Let's just say I shall be glad to leave for university.

It is! Bestiality, Romantic style!

most people are like "ew, seaweed?" but I love it. mm, seaweed.

Yeah, I do mean that one. I've seen it waaaaay too many times.

I love Shelley, but in some ways I'm more interested in his personality than his writings. also, I have a (logically impossible?) crush on him.

I don't aim to be unhealthy, I just don't pay attention to what I eat. Also, I forget to eat a lot, which is probably bad.


pizzazzical March 30 2010, 16:56:30 UTC
I love ninjas and all, but habitually dress up as a pirate.

Ah, I can understand that. Johnny Depp's look was flawless. It amuses me how people in medieval/roman dramas can have BLINDINGLY WHITE even teeth. Flossed regularly, I guess.

Not even cute ones.

The only thing my mum likes is babies. Even fat, squishy bald ones. I cannot understand it. She reacts to babies the way I react to my icon.

lol, of course bestiality and rape is romantic! I guess Pasiphae > Danae in terms of poetry material. But I do like the story of Leda and the swan, if only because they produced Helen, and indirectly the Trojan war. I can't get enough of the Illiad :P

My brother loves seaweed too! :D He goes gaga for it.

The strange thing is, we studied lyrical ballads but we focused mainly on Wordsworth (even though Coleridge is way cooler). Blergh, formalised education.

Lol my friend isn't like that. She purposefully binges on unhealthy foods cause they can't make her fat! xD


indefiance March 29 2010, 21:48:00 UTC
Hello! ♥ Haha, I love that your tag is a reference to Dawkins. Are you an animal science major by any chance?

1. Name: Wen
2. Birthday: August 4th
3. Where do you live: United States
4: What are you studying/What are you working as: I am currently in medical school.
5. What makes you happy: Sunny days, my pets, my fiancee, eating good food, good fanfiction, photoshop, etc. :) I'm simple.
6. What are you listening to now/have listened to last:
7. What is particularly good/bad about my LJ: Peter Pan (2003) OST. I was just watching this movie last night and loved the soundtrack.
8. An interesting fact about you: I teach kids how to meditate!
9. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: Yes.
10. Favorite place to be: At home.
11. Favorite lyric: The Hush Sound's "You are the Moon"
12. Best time of the year: Holiday season! (Oct-Jan.) Or summer, hehe.
13. Weirdest food you like: I'm Asian, so there's a lot you'd consider weird, lol.

1. A film: A Little Princess
2. A book: Peter and the Starcatchers
3. A song: Ellie ( ... )


indefiance March 29 2010, 21:50:21 UTC
Oh! I skipped a question. I love your lj layout! I don't think anything is bad at your lj. I'd love to see more updates from you, though.


pizzazzical March 29 2010, 22:30:51 UTC
Are you an animal science major by any chance?

When I was little I wanted to be a vet, and I wish that I'd gone down that road! I'm studying psychology and physiology next year, which is a very decent second choice though :P But of course we had to read Dawkins' Selfish Gene, and I just had to tip my metaphorical hat to him for inventing the meme :P

I am currently in medical school.

I think I sense a pattern here: all Arthur/Morgana shippers are doctors. How fascinating!

I teach kids how to meditate!

That... is awesome! Maybe you should instruct my brother. He needs some meditation in his life. (He's 7!) He is a hopeless mummy/daddy's boy (yes he has them both!) and he throws at least three tantrums a day :P

I'm Asian, so there's a lot you'd consider weird, lol.But... but... but... I'm an Asian too! I ate some turtle once! (The lights had cut out and we only had candles, plus I didn't understand what my grandma was saying, her dialect is barely mandarin at all) I haven't had shark soup, but that's cause I think the way they ( ... )


squishyshazzy April 13 2010, 14:35:11 UTC
1. Name:Shazlin
2. Birthday:26th October 1995
3. Where do you live: Malaysia ._.
4: What are you studying/What are you working as: Uhm, student ? xP
5. What makes you happy: ArMor! xD
6. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: I am currently listening to 'Who Am I To Say' by Hope.
7. What is particularly good/bad about my LJ: Hmmm... Good; your freaking fanfictions, that's what. Bad; Idk. Nothing I guess.
8. An interesting fact about you: I am a Scorpio.
9. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: Yes.
10. Favorite place to be: Anywhere with internet.
11. Favorite lyric:

Some People Fight
Some People Fall
Others Pretend
They Don’t Care At All
If You Wanna Fight
I’ll Stand Right Beside You
The Day That You Fall
I’ll Be Right Behind You
- Heart Never Lies by McFly

12. Best time of the year: 2009
13. Weirdest food you like: Fish and chips.

1. A film: Stardust!
2. A book: House of Night series!
3. A song: My current favorite is 'We Are' by Ana Johnson.
4: A band:

1. Favorite Fandom: ( ... )


pizzazzical April 20 2010, 17:19:13 UTC
Omg so sorry for the late reply *smacks self*

You're a Scorpio just like my little bro! :D I'm a Cancer hee. And fish and chips isn't weird! :P Everyone in Britain loves it.

I've seen Stardust! It's truly wonderful :D


You're waaay too kind! I'm hardly a genius, but I do really try to write the best A/Mor I can, and I'm glad that you appreciate that :D :D :D ♥ Friends?


squishyshazzy April 21 2010, 10:26:32 UTC
Hold it right there. You're a Britain ? D: That explains the whole major totally outta the world kind of vocabulary xD I wished I could go to London.

Oh, a Cancer, whee. Scorpios are always the best with Cancers xD I knew you're a Cancer. You have the Cancer vibe thingy.

Stardust is amazing. Have you watched Pride and Prejudice ? I cried watching Keira Kinightly a.k.a who looks like Katie McGrath a.k.a Morgana. Makes sense ? xD

And definitely friends.


pizzazzical April 21 2010, 12:40:31 UTC
I'm not a Briton, but I do live in England! ;D My first language is actually Chinese (which I'm terrible at!) hehe.

I have a Cancery vibe?? That's good to know :D And yes I've seen Pride and Prejudice! I have a teacher who looks just like Keira Knightley (but with different hair and not as thin, someone should give Keira a sandwich!), she's very beautiful!

Yay friends!! ♥ And you posted in your journal! *goes to reply*


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