Jul 22, 2005 22:17
So my day ha.. it sucked.. i woke up and went home and then went back to sleep called khoree when i woke up and then went to work... i got there at 3 thinking i would get out by 6 at the lastest since i was 1 st out ya prolly noy 6 hours later im finally free from the hell hole and me and samm come back to samms house and do uh nothing...
SO ya my car offical sucks ass... My coolant is leaking, my air doesnt owrk, my gas tank cover thingy is about to fall off.. and the adhesive on my back window is about to come off which means oh ya no more back window...yay! GAH i hate it right now!
YA so that was my exciting day hope everyonesw was better then mine! so ya im gonna go cuz i dont have anything else to say!... Peace out mo fos!