Traveling Yet Again

May 29, 2005 02:18

As most of you who read this journal knows, I arrived back in Los Angeles earlier this week. I'm still suffering from the effects of jetlag, as I'm done sleeping and posting on livejournal at 3am. I've gotten alot of things from Taiwan and Japan, and I've been procrastinating on taking them all out of my suitcase until now. I'm driving to San Francisco tomorrow - early morning. I'll be there until the 7th of June. I won't be available to meet up the entire time, as I'm playing chauffer for someone. But I believe many of you SFers already got my contact number from the last time I mentioned this trip on here. If not, I will be checking my email on the road now that I have a laptop (also acquired from my Taiwan trip).

Most likely, I'll be free on the weekend - meaning June 4-6th. But I'll call and say hi once I'm in town.
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