what is the meaning of this!?!

May 26, 2003 22:58

so my sister thinks she's a genious? Well, I've been reading a bit lately and I came across this:: the great phliosopher, Aristotle, once philosophized that no great genius have ever existed without some touch of MaDness...(something like that) now, this does not convince me to believe that she is actually a genius, nor do i think she has some sort of a great mind...i just think she's been taking many philosophy/psychology classes, and has CONVINCED herself that in order to be a "genious" u have to act like a mad...BITCH. get it? so, when people ask her, 'why are u so messed up' she can reply with such a heinous answer. EFF DAT SHIT YO!
anywayz..she confused me so much, she is like bipolar or something. one minute, she's this nice caring person who is a blast to hang out with...and the other she's like a demented psychopath who is out to get u.
I mean, today she was like, "oh honey, come to san fran with me, u can go to college there and live with me...i love youuu...you're my soothing pill..." ((I AM?)) well that's nice to know, and a nice offer, but i could NOT deal with her...she is not stable and i don't want to witness her and her husbands psychotic fights! she's like a fucking light switch man!
LOL, anywayz...we just got back from the plaza, we saw a movie there...Daddy Day Care...it was so LAME!! it was such a lame ass waste of money and it just pissed me OFF!!! it was HER idea to watch it! aldksfj grr bad movies suck. hehe
ummm tomorrow i start my new job! yay, i wonder how that's gonna go, i have to BE THERE at 7am!
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