What the fuss is all about

May 03, 2004 14:32

I made it back online again. So here I am, updating and replying to a ton of comments and emails. I love it, but hate dialup. Im on my moms computer since I *still* dont have one. Shes watching some cheesy soap operas in the next room. Its overcast, seems fitting today though. Kind of a lazy day. In a bit I have to get Kyle at school then I think Im taking off for the rest of the day. Things to do, people to see. Or is it the other way around?

My people moved back into Boston yesterday. Brett, Lauren and James are settled and situated. The phone call(s) came in last night. New roomate reports, move in reports. All seems to have gone well. Now that the first of us have moved back I feel like its safe to go back. Like I told Kene this afternoon I have "things" to take care of here first so Im not ready to go back. By the time May 23rd rolls around Ill be ready I think. More than ready. Im going to miss driving my car though. Nothing beats speeding down the backroads, windows down, wind in my hair, singing a country song at the top of my lungs.

Yesterday was quite a day. Slept basically all day. I think I was up/awake a total of 3 hours before 5 when Jim woke me up. Had some quick food at the diner. Okay, some not so quick food. Raced through "pea soup" fog as it was described at me to pick up my brother and transport him from point A to point B. That done, I hung around his boyscout function with Mr Decho for a bit. Returned Kyle to point A from point B. Watched the Texas Chainsaw Massacre last night. Now theres one freaky movie. Not freaky in the same sense as House of 1000 Corpses, which no one should ever watch, that an Cabin Fever. This movie really freaked me out. Maybe it was the pure brutality of watching my favorite character have his leg hacked off with a chainsaw then get hung alive on a meat hook. Yeah, that could be it. Makes me twitch just thinking about it.

I never wouldve slept if we hadnt spent so much time watching the special features at the end. Well, I didnt sleep much anyway but it had nothing to do with the movie. Or being scared that some guy with a chainsaw was gonna bust in an quarter me. I havent been able to sleep lately anyway. I think its because I sleep so much so late during the day. Yeah, thats it. Oh well. Maybe Ill just go take a nap after this.

One thing Im realizing about life more and more lately is the lack of wrong and right answers. I told a friend yesterday "Dont tell me maybe, I like yes or no, black or white." Nothing is really black or white, is it? Life seems like one big gray area sometimes. Things that are so wrong can feel so right and vice versa. It leaves one wondering what is really right and what is really wrong. I find it so easy to judge other peoples actions sometimes, but when its you its not quite so simple is it? Of course not. Thats why we love life. Ah, the uncertainty of it all.

There are many trying to convince me to trek up to Boston weekend after next. Next weekend is my brother Gang Show and Mothers Day. Looking forward to the show, as always. I love it. For some reasons obvious and some not as much so. Im sure Ill be right there in one of the front rows, as promised. Until then itll be a lot of lazy days, and a lot of busy nights. Like I said to Brett, when it rains it pours. Well, Hallelujia then! Because its raining. But *what* is it raining? Im gonna get to it now. Adios!

*We go out to a party somewhere, the moment we walk in the door. People stop and everyone stares. She dont know what theyre staring for. There she goes just walkin down the street and someone lets a whistle out. A girl like her she just cant see just what the fuss is all about. She dont know shes beautiful. Never crossed her mind. She dont know shes beautiful. No shes not that kind.*

Lesson(s) of the Day:
-When it rains, it pours.
-Nothing is ever black and white. Life is one big gray area.
-Life throws so many curves its amazing, keep em coming.
-Napping all day means not sleeping at night.
-I love driving my car, so much.
-Texan Chainsaw Massacre is one screwed up scary movie.
-Ill be back in Boston soon enough.
-4 more days until UConn gets out, not that Im counting.
-Dont bend to anyones will but your own.
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