Head in the sand - enjoying the view

Oct 02, 2007 08:32

 I'm normally a really self-denying easygoing person, but PMS is kicking my ass and I feel like the slightest little thing makes me see red and paw at the ground like the bullish sign I was born into.  Fortunately I've learned how to hold my tongue somewhere along the way, but that doesn't mean I'm not thinking shrewish, horrible thoughts.  I can't wait for the hormones to simmer down to more normal levels because fighting the urge to growl at people is taxing, I tell ya!

As previously mentioned, 2007 is the Year of Me and it's been tough going, because I'm just geared more to giving people what they want so that everyone will like me and (hopefully) I'll be off the hook to do anything more for them because that last thing made you happy, right?  Sadly, this is what it's come to.  I'm sure there's a name for this in some mental disorder book and that if my life were a novel, I'd be manipulated into some tragic ending by a shameless grifter.

But, back to the point, I've made some forward strides.  After being laid off a few years ago, my debts steadily compounded until I was between the rock and the ultra hard place, trying to get them paid down to a manageable level.  As we all know, high interest rates are a bitch and this was near impossible to achieve.  So after a minor freak out, I hitched up my resolve and called my bank to see if I could get a debt consolidation loan.  And miracle or miracles, they actually gave one to me.  Phew!  What a relief, I tell you!  Now I actually have a chance to pay all of this off and eat a little something, too.  Yesterday I paid off two more cards and I only have one to go before I'm in the clear with just a loan payment and a car payment.  Color me happy!  Or at least as happy as I can get.

Last night was the first time I had a chance to dive into my Supernatural S2 dvd's and, because I can't follow directions, I ended up watching Kripke's commentary on "What Is and What Never Should Be" (with the complicated Chinese characters, because why not) instead of Jared's screentest because I couldn't figure out how to get there.  I'm not normally so challenged but, well, there you go.  I was annoyed by his repetitive statements but gleaned some insightful information on how the show is crafted and what life on set must be like.  All that work pays off in the end, but I can't imagine working for months on end in the cold and damp.  These people are ultra-dedicated!

The Gag Reel (when I finally found it) was cute and surprisingly filled with lots of Jensen yumminess.  I was surprised to hear how he laughs when out of Dean's character.  Much higher and lighter than I would have expected, but then his voice has always fascinated me.  There's such a range to it, from the higher notes he keeps to when singing to the dark growls he conjures in Dean's voice.  Don't even get me started on how much attention I paid to the sex scene in Devour.  It was like "aw shucks, darlin'" to breathy gasps in the blink of an eye.  I don't even know how to describe that in a story, but I really want to!

And then finally - Jared's screentest.  I forget sometimes, because SPN has pretty much evolved into 90% Dean 10% Sam for me, how strong Sam's character was in the beginning of the first season.  Sometimes I feel like Jared doesn't have much to do now, except for look perplexed, but back in the day... wow.  I just love the craft you can see in the audition, I wouldn't have thought that he would have such obvious tells to mark when he's getting into character.  It's probably because extras really never document that part of it, just what happens when things get screwy during or between takes.  Excellent stuff, especially when he took the hat off.  Adorable!

The fall TV season has been vexing me.  I want to watch things but nothing's really grabbing me.  And all of these repeats of episodes on multiple channels is giving me a headache.  If the Tivo can't figure it out, how the hell am I supposed to?  I haven't really latched onto much except for KVille, and that's probably just my loyalty to a couple wonderful years spent in New Orleans when I was in my early twenties.  Well, and Cole Hauser is always interesting to watch.  At any moment he could just lose it and kill someone, you know?  He's probably a real nice guy, but there's something inherently dangerous about him that attracts me as a viewer.

The other new show I like is The Big Bang Theory.  It's cute and I like all of the geek jokes.  If nothing else, their opening number is fabulous!  I only wish I was learned enough to know if they were making real physics jokes or if they're just winging it.  Yesterday, one of the local radio stations had the actor that plays Sheldon on to pimp the show and pretty much spent the whole time trying to get him to out himself.  One question I can understand - they're trying to get a good scoop and it makes for entertaining radio.  But a dozen or so?  When the guy was clearly floundering to hedge and prevaricate until the nightmare of the interview was over?  That pissed me off.  I mean, even if he is gay (and who the hell knows at this point who's doing what with whom, and who really cares - that's what fanfic is for) it's not up to some stupid radio show to force him into accidentally admitting it.  I'm considering writing a strongly worded letter because now I can't even watch the show without feeling sorry for the guy.

My friend got passes to George Clooney's new movie Michael Clayton and because I was up super late last night fretting and haven't done any laundry since, well forever, I dug out the new pair of jeans I've been saving to wear until the stars aligned and all signs pointed to go time.  Yes, my new pair of Bitten jeans.  They are lovely and low-rise - I love them.  For those that haven't heard yet, Bitten is Sarah Jessica Parker's new clothing line that's exclusively sold at Steve and Barry's.  I'd never heard of the store before, but when I found out that there were plus sizes in the line, I was in!  Not everything comes in big sizes, but the jeans do and some of the t-shirts.  I highly recommend checking it out if you're looking for something a little different from Lane Bryant and Torrid.  I'm also wearing my new Old Navy sweater with the kimono sleeves.  It's an interesting look, but so very comfy, given that it's already winter weather outside with misting rain and low's in the 40's.  Gotta love the Pacific Northwest!

And one more note on shopping - said friend and I journeyed down to Portland for a quick jaunt on Sunday and finally made it to Office PDX, the divine little shop that has prints on the wall of various fonts found on typewriter logos, vintage filing cabinets, Jack Spade bags and the kind of notebooks that make me want to shun my laptop in favor of them.  I definitely thought of grrliz while looking around at all the fun stuff they had on display along with things actually for sale.  We managed to get out without spending too much, but then across the street we spied a yarn shop called Close Knit where I found the perfect fall colors for a scarf I want to make.  They were super helpful and we even joked about how a couple of the shops in Seattle *cough* Tricoter *cough* are snobby as hell and not fun to go into.  So, NE Alberta St. - It's where it's at!

And now I should sign off so that I can do some work and earn my keep.  Thanks for reading!  I feel much more calm now.  Let's hope the bitchiness phase has passed by.

shopping, teh hotness, year of me, jensen, movies, supernatural

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