Mini Update

Sep 21, 2007 08:20

I have this bad habit of putting something off and then when I think about going back to it, I feel like I need to give it that extra "oompf" to make it all the better after having been neglected. But then I put it off again because I have no extra to give and the cycle grows until finally, there's nothing that'll be big enough to make up for the inattention except for maybe Daffy Duck's show stopper trick and well, yeah.

So I'm sitting in the McDonald's drive thru this morning waiting for my turn to order and I have this revelation - what if I just posted something small and random? It would take the pressure off and then maybe I'd feel up to posting a little something more in a few days and... momentum!

Nothing and everything has been happening lately. The new job is going well, I've attempted cooking more than toast and it's been fairly successful, watched a lot of Netflix dvd's and movies on cable, learned to crochet, continued to spiral downward in my SPN obsession, and wrote some fanfic but it's not ready to post yet. Not much that's interesting, but I'll try to do better about keeping this journal updated this fall. Hopefully with lots of offerings to keep my flist reading!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

news o' the lame

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