All About Cole

Aug 04, 2008 22:14

I managed to finish ‘Breaking Dawn’ today. It wasn’t without great effort, though. I will really have to make up for my lack of involvement in my kids lives since I began reading the series 2 weeks ago. I plan to give them both nothing, but my undivided attention from now on. I really do feel like the worst mother right now. Sometimes being a stay at home mom can get overwhelming for me. I feel like I was born with something missing … the ability to cope with having my kids around 24/7. I’m not sure how women like my mother and mother in law did it for so many years. More often then not I find myself annoyed with some thing or other that my children do - cry, whine, throw fits etc. Perhaps I am viewing my mothering abilities so negatively right now, because of the hormones caused by my monthly friend (enemy) visiting right now.

Back to the book, though - I am thoroughly pleased with the direction the series took in the final installment. I was not expecting the course the story took … epic in a way like Harry Potter. The first book was pretty much a love story through and through. This was something I didn’t mind, obviously since I was unable to put the book down after the first day. Then the last book although just as romantic transformed into a saga about good versus evil. I’m sad to see the books end just as I was when I finished ‘Deathly Hallows’ last year around this time. I hate when I finish a good book. It’s almost like saying goodbye to a dear friend.

Now onto my promised blog about Cole -

My son is growing up so fast. He’s nearly 10 months, but already wearing 12-18month clothing. About a week and a half ago he transitioned from rolling around on the floor to get to where he wanted to be to actually crawling. Now he moves at lightning speed usually to get himself to something he shouldn’t have - like his daddy’s guitar cables.

He eats three solids a day. Oatmeal in the morning since to my knowledge it’s the only cereal he is not allergic to. A fruit for lunch - he loves pears. Then for dinner usually I give him a veggie mixed with a meat (chicken or turkey). He loves sweet potatoes and green beans, but absolutely abhors peas and carrots. His two front bottom teeth came in about a month ago and his top front teeth began to emerge recently.

He’s my baby boy and I love him dearly.

motherhood, kids, twilight series, pictures, books, cole

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