Photo Meme - Movies

Oct 07, 2010 15:07

I'm going to do this now, since my shows are on tonight (Community and 30 Rock). Also I'm going to push hard to finish Dexter by tonight or tomorrow. 5 more episodes to go. The thing is I know how the season ends. I hate trying not to be spoiled, so last year when Season 4 ended I opened up my Entertainment Weekly and knew right away the "shocking" ending the spoiler warning on the article told me to avoid reading about until I saw the final scene of Dexter Season 4 with my own eyes. It's still a creepy as ever season that's just as addictive as it's ever been, so even though I already "know" I'm still enjoying Dexter.

11. a photo of your favorite film(s)

Dazed and Confused isn't my all time favorite movie, but it is the one I have probably watched the most (besides the kid movies I have been forced to  watch over and over and over *cough* Totoro *cough* ). The fact that I can continue to watch 'Dazed and Confused' all these years later without getting bored is a testament to it's greatness.

My guilty pleasure. I've mentioned this a few times on here before in past posts, but yes ... the Barbara Streisand 1969 musical 'Hello Dolly' is the movie I watch when I need to be cheered up.

Ghost World. I own this movie and even though I claim it as my favorite, I haven't been able to watch it more than a handful of times, because the ending is so bleak. I like it, because I identify with it. It's about two characters that feel alone and unable to fit in with the real world. Enid feels lost after graduating high school, so she forms a friendship with another loner named Seymour, who in his own words "can't relate with 99 percent of humanity".

Finally, I feel silly admitting this, but I absolutely loved Toy Story 3.

12. a photo of you
13. a photo of your best friend(s)
14. a photo of one of your favorite family members
15. a photo of you and someone you love
16. a photo of you at the last party you went to
17. a drunk photo of you
18. a photo of one of your classes
19. a photo of you on a school trip
20. a photo of something you enjoy doing
21. a photo of you standing up
22. a photo of your town
23. a photo of your friend as a baby
24. a photo of you that your hair looks nice in
25. a photo of a night you loved
26. a photo of your favorite weekend
27. a photo of last summer
28. a photo of what you ate today
29. a photo of someone you find attractive
30. a photo of you when you were happy

movies, pictures, meme

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